Friday, August 30, 2024

Dan's New Baby on feline friday

Hi, it's Me, Beau, The STAR of this blog... SHE says I need to show you the latest cousin. I insisted I get to be first, since it is MY BLOG. No I am not sad, I just have a great big hound dog sad face

You have seen feral cats Boots and Amber several times, they are adults now, Amber is really small. 
Their Mama had two babies, she took one off an hid it and she left this one under Uncle Dan's truck. She refused to have anything to do with it. they have found no other babies, but she did take off with one but they were not able to find it.

Dan said this one he thought was dead, because it was cold, but it did move when he picked it up and they took it inside and warmed it up, and above is the first feed, Aunt Michelle is feeding it. Mama said if you click on the photos, you can see just how precious Luna's face is.
Uncle Dan told Mama, he thinks they have a new house cat, this will be #4 and 3 outside ferals who are not really feral since they love Dan and Michele. They also have a couple of neighbors cat that come to visit.
Look at the face, that fur, those teeny claws.. I wish we had a cat. I love cats
Rosy, I think this also fits under Nature Friday. Do you agree? Feral Cats are part of nature...



Ginny Hartzler said...

Adorable!! They have saved it's life. Beau, I love you, but I am a total cat person, and we have had many.

WFT Nobby said...

We so hope dear little Luna thrives and can enjoy a long life as house cat at Dan and Michele's.
And of course Rosy will agree this post counts as Nature Friday!

Tigger's Mum said...

What a fortunate little kitten to have been left under your uncle Dan's truck. Such a pretty new cousin for you.

Ann said...

How sweet. Dan and Michelle have big hearts and it's so wonderful that they give these cats a good home.

eileeninmd said...

Luna is a sweet new cousin! I hope she thrives with the help from Dan and Michelle. I still love seeing your cute face Beau! HUGS, have a happy day!

easyweimaraner said...

oh yes that is a wonderful part of nature... and to care for each other is such a part of nature too.... all the best to cousin Luna and thanks for helping the wee...

Zoolatry said...

Aww, sweet little one, may you do well in the loving hands that found you.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Pawfect NF post, Beau boy! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

DeniseinVA said...

Your human brother Dan has a big heart. Mama must be so proud of him.

Millie and Walter said...

Luna sure was lucky to be dropped off where Dan could find her. We have our paws crossed that she continues to grow into a beautiful kitty.

Brian's Home Blog said...

So small and precious. Thanks to Dad for the wonderful save. Gosh, bottle feeding is a full time task, we've done it before.

Mevely317 said...

My heart! I've never had a cat (no desire), but I'm all mush-minded over that sweet baby girl. I totally believe Dan and Michelle deserve a special place in Heaven.
Thank you, Beau, for sharing your blog today!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh my goodness, what an cutie!! Of course, this is nature...very adorable nature!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

She is so precious and cute. I pray she does well.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sweet Baby Luna. We wish her well.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Rose said...

How precious! So nice if you, Beau to show off your extended family.

lexitheschnauzer said...

Newborn Luna is so fortunate that Dan found her as soon as he did, or she really would have been dead. We think she will grow up to be a wonderful member of the family, and everyone will have lots of laughs and fun with her on the way. Maybe some day she'll even come to visit you, Beau!