Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2002 Angels on Rainbow Remembrance Day


Baby was built like a young lion, in fact was a mix of Ridgeback Hound/whatever and weighed 50 pounds. Cooper was tall and lean, with really long legs and weighed 60 pounds. 
Bray Park has 3 acres fenced dog park, signage states Large Dogs on gate.
The other gate said Small Dogs and was 1 acre fenced away from the large dogs.
Since in the USA, no one pays attention to signs, each time we went, tall and lean Cooper, was fascinated with the smallest dogs. The smaller the dog, the more the fascination.
Baby would gallop off, running with anything that moved, not matter the size, she just loved to run and was always First in the chase. She never chased she wanted to be chased.

the  pawrentz that chose to put a chihuahua in with the LARGE dogs, did not like Cooper dogging their tiny dog, and when I suggested they use the small dog park, said they like the big dogs.
We decided to put Baby and Cooper in the one acre fenced yard and turned them loose so Cooper could chase Baby.
Baby took off at high speed, Cooper chasing her and when she got to the FIVE foot tall fence, she soared into the air and cleared that fence without even touching it and came down running with the big dogs. Cooper the long and tall guy, stopped and looked at us, like well, let me in there.
We stopped going to the park. But it was not because of Cooper.
Baby had Attitude, she NEVER did was she was told, asked or demanded of her. When we were hot and tired and ready to leave, Cooper came to us, and she WOULD NOT COME.
There was no catching her, we had to sit down and wait until she wore herself out and came to us to get water, we captured her and decided it was not worth the park, and they had their own fenced yard.
That was the end of the dog park.

This is one of them playing.
I have many albums of photos of Baby and Cooper running together before I created FourpawsEtc.

They were bonded for sure. Cooper was 6 when he and his bonded litter sister were taken to the shelter. someone took his sister and he was there for a year alone. Waiting for us to bring him home to his sister for life.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Good thinking to avoid the dog park after all of that!!!

easyweimaraner said...

that is so sweet to see all this love in their eyes...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Aw, galdogs jus' wanna have fun! Boy dogs jus' want company. What a lovely memory of Baby and Jake. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

Yep, I would have stopped going to the dog park too. I had a dog like that when I was growing up. She was a runner and she only came to you when she was good and ready to.

Zoolatry said...

Both so beautiful, both so loved ... both now holding a special place in your heart, forever.

eileeninmd said...

They are both beautiful dogs, loved so much and missed so much.
HUGS, have a happy day!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those two really were special and so are those memories of them happy together.

My Mind's Eye said...

Greeting my sweet Angels from Manor Mad Snapper. I fondly remember Baby and Jake and Big Boy...I'm sorry I didn't know Cooper
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

I can totally visualize their joy! Baby's attitude is darn similar to our Grace. Thankfully, she's small enough I can just march over and pick her up.
Thank you for sharing this sweet (and funny) narrative.

Sandee said...

So precious they were. Pups are so loyal and loving.

I wouldn't go back to the dog park either. Frightening.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Sandra. Scritches to Beau. ♥


What a heartwarming story about Baby and Cooper! It sounds like they had such a great time together, and I can imagine how entertaining it must have been to see Baby's high-flying antics and Cooper’s fascination with the smaller dogs. It’s clear they were a special pair, and their bond was truly unique. Thanks for sharing these memories and the beautiful photos of them playing together. Their adventures and mischief must have brought so much joy to your life!

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Millie and Walter said...

What sweet memories of Baby and Cooper. We're lucky to have about an acre of fenced in yard right at our house and we love to run and chase each other too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Baby and Cooper were so cute. Sweet story about them. How crazy of those people to put their chihuahua in with the big dogs. I can't believe Baby soared over that fence!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Such a fun story about your 2002 Angels...We can't go to dog parks, Sunny loses her mind LOL.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Beautiful pups. We are really enjoying all the Rainbow Bridge Remembrances today.

Woos - Misty and Timber

CheerfulMonk said...

Great story about the dog park. Zoe sailed over fences in dog parks too.

Marvelous Marv said...

What wonderful dogs and thanks for sharing your rainbow angels with us! Our Bob dog, who helped raise Cinnamon was runner and never listened either, so your description reminded us of another angel! Thanks so much! and keep being awesome! Keep being awesome! Love Barb

DeniseinVA said...

Great memories of these two special pups. I loved the sound of their personalities. Such lively dogs! I can understand why you stopped taking them to the dog park.