Friday, July 26, 2024

Joy of Beau!


A love letter to my Beau from Mama.

I came into the living room and there he was. My Joy Boy!
Just the sight of him sleeping fills my heart with love and Joy.

His ears of velvet, hanging down,
Can always remove from my face a frown.

No matter how many times I see him there, 
He fills me with joy and my heart is lifted way up in the air.

Sorry for all the photos, and clicks of my phone,
during the 3.9 years I since I fell in love and made  you my own.

Thank you sweet Beau, for all the

you have brought in my life, love to you from Mama
Photos taken on 2/19/2024
Joining Yam on Final Friday Feature

Monday, July 22, 2024

Code Red Sunday


Mama used procreate to create the graphic

We had a CODE RED Sunday....See that pot on the stove? Don't get upset, no fire was involved. Just lack of WATER.... Mama is boiling water for me to drink in that big pot.... I am fine, if you want details, POP OVER TO MAMAS Blog MadSnapper, if you have already seen the details, just enjoy looking at me and the big red pot...

Sunday, July 21, 2024

More than one way for Sunday Selfie


There is more than one way to get new photos for a post, Mama forgot she had InstaToon app in her camera and since its to hot to take more photos we are showing you old pics with new background.

The kitties are my 1st cousins, 2 above are ferals that are not feral and below is a feral that is now a house can and they live with my human brother Dan.

Wait, she did get a few pics of me for a Real time selfie from Friday 7/20/204

There are more of Sleeping Beauty Handsome Boy, coming soon to a blog near you

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Caturday Art and A Crazy story


A dog and a cat, a coon and a rat,
walked through the woods, they were all wearing a hat.

If you believe this, I got a flying squirrel that wears no hat to show you

PS from Mama.... I keep a note pad in every room, to write down thoughts before they escape. The pads are also used for practicing writing. to do that I write ABC's and my two phone numbers, to keep them i my head.   last week I went to turn a page full of practice and at the bottom found these words.

A dog and a cat, a coon and a rat,    that is all. I have no memory of writing those words or what they mean or meant... that is scary. I decided to use them here... and turned it into a tale. Bing did a good job with those words