Saturday, August 31, 2024

It has been raining for 5 weeks

In the past 5 weeks we have missed my ride/walk to Bray Park.

I missed my walk in the neighbor hood 3 times in 5 weeks
and 5 days in a row daddy walked me because Mama had vertigo. Daddy can only walk
10 minutes at a time. 

The first time I walked with Mama, after she found her vertigo, what ever that is, Daddy was walking the first five minutes with us and suddenly a frog choking, downpour also know as a deluge of rain caught us 2 blocks from home. Mama can walk twice a fast and Daddy and Me, and she tried to make me walk faster. She said it was like dragging a boulder on a leash.

She wanted me to show you how wet she was and the first photo was really ugly so she smiled and tried again. This was AFTER she dried me and it took two towels, to do it, and put my harness and leash which were dripping water like a faucet in the garage to drip dry, she still was soaked. 
She said her bra and shirt were wringing wet. She explained that is Southern Georgia talk for
you can wring the shirt with you hands and water comes out.
She was happy she got to walk me, but not happy with the laundry that was created by
PS now you know what a drowned rat looks like, HE HE HE


Ginny Hartzler said...

You sure both got a good soaking!!! Mama looks good both dry and wet!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau
I know the rain is needed in Florida but to miss so many of your walks. That is not fun! Your mama does look soaking ringing wet.
HUGS, have a happy day!

Ann said...

Oh my, you all did get soaked. Rain is good but not when you are out for a walk.

Rose said...

This drowned eat is cute, though.

Zoolatry said...

Well, at least it's not a hurry-cane ... right? Can you build an ark?

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL BOL Dragging a boulder around that was too funny and OMDs mama was reallllllly wet.
We had horrible tstorm last night first rain in several weeks.
Lightning struck a home about 15 miles from here then the wind spread to fire to 2 other houses. First was a total loss and YIKES it supposedly had 2 EV's in the garage.
We had 1.8" of rain in 45 min
Sun is shining today
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

When it rains that hard it is sure not fun sweet Boulder Beau!

Mevely317 said...

You and momma are so brave, Beau! If they even sniff rainfall, our girls refuse to step outside. (Wish I had that sort of self-control!)
Back in Texas I remember the old folks calling that kind of rain a 'toad frog strangler.' Every time, up til right this minute, no-one ever knew what I meant.

Millie and Walter said...

It's no fun getting caught in the rain and getting soaked, but we know your area has needed some rain to it's not all bad.

CheerfulMonk said...

Rain is good, but it should schedule itself around your walks.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm sorry you have missed your walks at the park along with all the other missed walks. Also, getting soaked on a walk and being blocks from home is not fun at all. It was nice of Daddy to walk when Mama couldn't, even though it wasn't a long walk. Hope the rain starts to stop soon.

WFT Nobby said...

One phrase that Gail remembers from school French lessons seems apt here. Whereas in English we say "soaked to the skin" in France it's "trempé jusqu'aux os" which translates as "soaked to the bones"!

Linda said...

I no longer have any dogs of my own so I am going to visit YOU!! Your mama loves you so much!!!

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! That is a lot of rain! At least it keeps the smells fresh! I hope your person loses her vertigo again soon.

Tigger's Mum said...

Beau i had to (reluctantly) drown a rat this summer. Your mama looks nothing like a drowned rat.

lexitheschnauzer said...

Oh, no, Beau! And Miss Sandra! We're sorry y'all ended up like drowned rats. Sorry to say this, but we're all glad it wasn't us, BOL! Oh, and could you please send just a little bit of all that rain this way? XOX Xena and my pack