Saturday, April 20, 2024

Here She Goes Again


She did it, she did it, got me through the TP roll. She tried again because Blogger Friend Anne did it of her Dog Gibbs and it was better than mamas, and since they have the same camera, she had to keep trying.

it wore me out as you can see

MY favorite position, 2 pillows and a sofa with daddy's arm near by.


Ginny Hartzler said...

these are really cool. They look like a spotlight! That is lighted. Wait! You said there would be the rest of the possum story?

Rose said...

You do look good, no matter how she t as Kesha your ohoto.

Brian's Home Blog said...

TP Beau looks pretty darn cute in there!

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau you are king of comfort!!
OMO thankful I have only seen them flat on the side of the road. Never seen one in purrson and if I do I hope and purr it is not as large as the one crossing the street.
Hugs Cecilia