Saturday, June 11, 2022

Day Four on Caturday Art day with Hoot


I have a new friend; On Day four Hoot came to visit again, and he stayed until lunch and sat in my lap and played with my gator toy. I asked him to bring Hooter and Hootie but he said they had other plans Can you find my new friend in my 'lap'? Do dogs have laps? 

Beau, should have said Fiction or maybe

The True story is continued from yesterday when 3 owls came to visit, 3 days in a row.
 Hoot was sitting on the pool deck when I, the Mama eased out the door in the dark, Friday morning. He was sitting by the swing and as I stepped out, he lifted to the limb just above my head. 
 I stood staring and then I started slapping the swarm of flying ants off my arms and face.
I had totally forgotten the reason the kitchen light was off was because
this is the time of year that flying ants swarm, they come in the house just at daybreak if there is a light on and the swarm dies. Just a few days ago we had to go dark in the house because one came in the kitchen. They swarm because they are dying. 
I had to vacuum them off the floor.
don't fret, it only lasts a few days, and they are gone until next year.

Rain stirs up the ants and our five minute shower was done and gone and The pool deck was wet from rain at 6 AM. 
The lightbulb went off over my senior head and I realized I was disturbing 
the breakfast buffet for 3 juvenile Owls.

Owls hunt at daybreak. Daybreak is not sunrise, daybreak is when the sky is light but the yard is dark.
This is the feeding time of the owls and when we hear them talk.
They eat insects, mosquitoes/gnats/ants, bats, rats, mice, small birds.
these guys were feasting on the dying flying ANTS.

There I was scaring them away. the Owls, not the ants.

There will be no more viewing of these precious small birds of prey, I have had my thrills.
There are no photos because it is dark when I visit with them.
I had four days of Wonder! 
ALERT! we are taking Sunday Off from blogging on both blogs, Mama has some STUFF to do.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a story! Mama's photo of you makes you look like wood. Like you are growing out of the ground like a Dog Tree! And I do see your new baby!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Oh I do love your pawtrait, Beau - and you could be an honourary owl, with those lovely eyes of yours! I am so glad mum got so much satisfaction from watching your feathered neighbours... have a good rest tomorrow. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Tigger's Mum said...

Bring on the owls we say - we have flying ants days in UK too. We haven't suffered them here though. We didn't know the owls eat them (thank goodness something does).

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Beau

You are lucky to see the owls in your yard. I would not be happy with the flying ants, we have moths that fly near our light and door. I see the cute owl in your lap, adorable photo. HUGS, have a happy weekend.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We can see, Beau, even if it's just wishful thinking!

Thanks for sharing them with us!


Ann said...

Well I enjoyed both stories. I like a good fiction every now and then. I won't say which story I believe to be fiction here :)

Rose said...

Yes. I see Hootie! It was terrific for you guys to get to see them!

Mevely317 said...

That's interesting about owls hunting at daybreak. Now I'm remembering a couple of years ago: In those first moments of consciousness when you're not awake, but neither are you asleep -- there came what sounded like a primal scream just outside my window. Pretty sure the owl that's been spotted decided the blue jay's nest would make a tasty breakfast. Sometimes nature's just hard.

I'm sure your lil' Hoot and his siblings would never do anything like that!

Tell momma we appreciate her head's up ... but we'll miss her!

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau what a handsome photo of you!
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau please tell mom I found 2 days of her comments in my spam folder. I wish I knew why that happens

Inger said...

I don't think dogs have laps, but strangely enough it looks like the baby owl is on your chest, or even inside your chest, looing out.

How intersting about the swarming ants. And good your mama realized it was breakfast time for the owls.

But Beau, I think your mama has stolen your blog! Or did you just lend it to her? You are such a good boy, so that's probably it.

Millie and Walter said...

It looks like you and your friend were having fun playing together, Beau. BOL! We love reading about your new little friends.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was some hootin' and hollerin' good story Beau and Mom!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, I spotted the owl with Beau. So glad you have been able to seen them again. Sorry about the flying ants. Enjoy visiting the owls.