Wednesday, June 19, 2024

International Box Day June 19

Look, Look, It's June 19, 2024 National Box Day and June is Adopt a Cat Month... Two days fer One!

Boxes falling from the sky, made by My Mama on her iPad in procreate. Badges by Da Mama of Cinnie and her 3 cats Marv, Jo-Jo, Kozmo and angel Queen Nellie.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Box Day?? I've heard everything now. What is the purpose??

CheerfulMonk said...

I had never heard of it either, but it's clearly useful because it gives your mom an excuse to exercise her talents and amuse us. 😊❤️

easyweimaraner said...

wow happy box day to youuu.....

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
There was me thinking the day after Christmas was the big Boxing Day... but I guess that' for hyoomons and why shouldn't pets have their own version. I love mum's artwork! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

The have national days for the oddest things. I wonder who comes up with all of these and why

eileeninmd said...

I have never heard of box day. Don't kitties like playing in boxes.
The images are cute. HUGS, have a happy day!

lexitheschnauzer said...

Beau, it looks like maybe you are shopping for a cat? Our angel sisters and brother used to have cats, and they were all friends! (Not Lexi, she came post cat.) XOX Xena and my pack

My Mind's Eye said...


Zoolatry said...

Hey, can you send one or two of those boxes up to the Space Station to bring our two astronauts back home ... seems that starliner thing is having a few more problems yet again ... they've already delayed their return twice ... OH NO ... and they only went up there to repair the toilet ... OH NO ... can you help? Betcha can! Your boxes are already close by ... go girl.

Sandee said...

Well done. You outdid yourself today.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to handsome Beau. ♥

Mevely317 said...

Great graphics!
From the looks of this office and master, we've been observing box day for a month now ... I'm purging and collecting more stuff for the Humane Society's thrift store.

Tigger's Mum said...

OK put us out of our misery - what is box day? Mr T loved boxes (and he was an adopted cat - or rather he adopted these humans - get my facts right) - maybe box day is something that cats celebrate.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a great kitty you would make Beau!
Rosy & Sunny

Brian's Home Blog said...

Good job sweet Beau! I didn't know you were part boxer LOL!

Millie and Walter said...

Those kitties sure love their boxes. We're too big for most of the boxes we have here.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Nice job celebrating box day. Those came out cute.