Sunday, May 19, 2024

National Rescue Dog Day May 20 WE CHOSE THE 19TH


If you know me at all, you will know my Mama loves Dogs, Cats, Squirrels anything with 4 legs. Her heart is with the rescue dogs that no one wants. Mama and Daddy have rescued 6 dogs since 1986 when Max, their first dog was born. He was born to a poor worn out Pit Bull named Spikey and she had 6 sets of twins. the people who lived next door were not nice to their dogs. The puppies were sick with worms when born and only 5 survived, Mama brought them in her kitchen and saved them one by one. 3 people wanted a puppy, Mama and daddy did not want a puppy or even a dog, but they kept the two blond puppies you see below, Max and Sarah, just so they did not have to live next door. 
That started the whole rescue thing. Since that day, there has only been 3 days between the death of their dog and the next rescue. the rescue is for them and for the ones that deserve to be removed from what humans did to them.

Max was daddy's' heart dog, which is the position I hold in Mama's heart at the time we are writing this.

Next came Baby Girl, they found her at Telesis Rescue, she was 10 months old and adopted Feb 2002 about 5 days after Max passed away.
She was also none as Miss Attitude and Daddy's favorite name, The Bitch!

Baby had been badly abused and came to Mama and Daddy afraid of any and everything, 6 months later she ruled the house and was not afraid of anything. Mama says she thinks the people beat her because she would do NOTHING that was asked, she was UNTRAINABLE, even the rescue lady said that. The difference is, they let her do what she wanted to do, and after three tries of running away, she called Telesis and the lady said GET HER ANOTHER DOG.  A calm dog. 

Cooper was 7 when we got him from the shelter. It was instant love and Baby they became the contented and loving dogs.

In 2005, a friend called and said, you said you like boxers, we have a stray on our street, he is starving and has been beaten and kicked and people are abusing him. We have 6 dogs 7 cats. Do you want to come see him?

We could not leave him in the street. This pitiful puppy, Vet said maybe 4 months old came to be #3 with Daddy and Mama. the years passed and Cooper and Baby went over the rainbow  Jake, daddies 2nd heart dog left us in 2018

Daddy did not want to let him go and Mama had to put her foot down, because Jake was blind, could not hear, had dementia and paced about 20 hours a day.
Daddy never cries, he thinks it is not manly, but he did when Mama took Jake to the vet. 

3 days after Jake left, Mama and Daddy went to the same shelter and Mama said I want a black dog, has to be old and black, because she read no one would adopt black dogs. She said he has to be gentle, sweet, no pit bull, nothing over 30 pounds. They had nothing to fit that, they were leaving. The Lady said we have a 7-year-old black dog, he is in my office because he was attacked by a dog someone let out and drove off. he had surgery and is created in my office. He is just what you want but he doesn't weigh 30 lbs.
She opened the door and there sat a 79 lb pit mix, black and 7 years old.
He climbed in Mama's lap, put the whammy on her heart and the next thing Big boy new he was in the car and HOME his forever home

He came home with them on Oct 1st 2018, see how scared he is? he had never seen a back yard or been allowed to wander. he was terrified of the YARD. You can see his scar on his shoulder. His name was Gary. UGH! said Mama He is Mamas Big Boy
and a few months later he was

He was Mama's first ever Heart dog, she was his Mama, and he was her baby. He was 7 and Mama did not know he had congestive heart failure and neither did the shelter. She would have saved him anyway if she new. 2 short years later, her heart lost a huge piece of it when he went over the rainbow bridge.

Rescue Black Dogs
Rescue OLD dogs
Rescue Big Dogs
Rescue Ugly dogs.
Rescue Cats, they all deserve it, sneaking that in on dogs' day

And then came ME, Mamas Beloved 2nd Heart Dog! She did not think she would ever find another one. Finding 2 in a lifetime is not usual. Mama and I are bonded and empaths to each other.
I appeared in a text from a friend, I was sitting in a chair! We bonded when she stared in my eyes and 1 hour later, I was sitting in the back seat of her SUV with mama and daddy.
On my Gotcha day, Oct 13, 2020, 
They did not get me from the shelter. but the coolest thing ever is, I was 7 and weighed the same as Big and came from the shelter that the others came from. Seems a family adopted me from Manatee county animal rescue after I was left, adopted, returned and adopted again and4 months later they were evicted from their home, Lisa lived next door, even though he had 6 dogs 3 cats and a ferret she took me into her house. When Lisa heard Big boy had passed and Mama had been crying for 3 days, she offered me to Mama...She calls me her gift from Covid-19. Lisa and David wore Masks, Mama and daddy wore mask and they met in the driveway and I dived in Mama's car and that was that..

Day one in my new home, playing ball with Daddy and I was finding out just how often Mama would take my photo. I have been here 3 years 7 month and still counting,

Listen to me, my heart beats with Mama's heart.

Shelter Cats and Dogs are out there waiting for you to bring one home and into your heart.
Mama has had more than 30 dogs in her 79 years and all but one puppy when she was 15, were rescue dogs! 
Happy Victoria Day to all our Canadian Friends


Ginny Hartzler said...

I believe everyone was put here for a purpose, and Mama is using hers! She is a hero to the dogs no one wants!! Wow, the before and after photos of Big Boy are amazing. Mama adopts these dogs, and works her magic on them. I just read the post on Mama's other blog, about the mechanics. I had missed it because she posted it at an unusual time. Wow, it is unbelievable about those men!!

WFT Nobby said...

Beau, you have found the best Mama in the world.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
How my heart beats with this lovely post, Beau boy. You fell on all fours when you and mum met!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

This is such a beautiful post, filled with nothing but love and kindness. You're a very lucky boy, Beau, photos and all!


Erin the Cat Princess said...

Gosh, how wonderful and open the hearts of your humans have been. It is how it should be for all, but sadly as you have demonstrated, it is not. But thank goodness so many have found the kindness all deserve to have. Good karma comes from such acts, and much happiness and love, and inner and outer prosperity that goes beyond wealth.

eileeninmd said...

Beau, you do have the best Mama!
HUGS, have a happy day!

lexitheschnauzer said...

Trying hard not to cry with joy for the saving of so many wonderful unwanted pups and sadness at the eventual loss of them. I wish there were more people in the world like you.The differences between the first pictures of each pup and the last one is amazing and testifies to what a wonderful home they all ended up in. Thank you so much for sharing and for your friendship.

Millie and Walter said...

It's wonderful how many pups your parents have rescued over the years. We both come from a rescue too and feel like we won the lottery by landing in this home together.

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy Rescue Dog day to you Beau and all those precious pups before you. They spent the best days of their lives in the care of Mom and Dad
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a wonderful and heartfelt post and a grand tribute to all those special rescues that came before. You're a sweetheart Beau!

Rose said...

I am sitting here crying...did not remember the story of Jake, and you know Big had a special place in my heart cause he reminded me of Otti...but oh, what wonderful friends dogs are. Love you, too, Beau because you are you, and also because you make your mama so happy.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That first rescue is a lovely story. I didn't know about that. Mama and Daddy have done an amazing job with rescues. You should be very proud of them and thankful to be one of them.

Inger said...

Beau, I'm so glad you and your mama found each other. Thanks for sharing her story, she's my hero.

Ann said...

Your mama and daddy sure have made the lives of a lot of dogs a whole lot happier.

photowannabe said...

Beau, you are blessed with wonderful Humans and I can see you thrive on all that LOVE.
Loved the time-line and all the photos. Happy Rescue Anniversary.

Mevely317 said...

Not for the first time, momma's writing about rescue brought tears to my eyes! Your angel brothers and sister come alive on this blog; and hopefully, more than one reader will be led to rescue.
Momma and your daddy are angels with skin on.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Kudos to your Mama - that is a wonderful thing to do. She has saved many pups who all came to love her and we KNOW she loved them.

Woos - Misty and Timber

CheerfulMonk said...

Bless you and your mom and dad! Thank you so much for this post.

Linda said...

What a beautiful tribute to all the beloved dogs in your mama's life!
I have had 8 rescue dogs and 10 rescue cats. Your mama has such a huge heart!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Wow, what a legacy of wonderful pups that you've had!

DeniseinVA said...

Sweet, precious doggies!