Sunday, December 10, 2023

Mama Tried


It's Sunday Selfies time,
I am struggling for words that rhyme.
Mama tried and she tried to get Daddy to smile,
she said to me, that could take a great while.
I posed as good as I could, looking this way and that way,
Then I said forget this, I want to get down and play.
these pictures are backwards to me.
as backwards as backwards could be.
Daddy sits on my right, she is sitting in her spot, 
in this photo to the right Daddy is not.
You see she is by the window, allowing for light,
She knew time was up; I was about to take flight.
As I flew off the sofa, she said to me, 
no one will know they are backwards; they will be looking only at me.


Sandee said...

You're most handsome, Beau. I hardly noticed your dad. Just saying.

Have a woof woof day. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

CheerfulMonk said...

Sandee is right, we have eyes only for you!

Millie and Walter said...

You do look great in those pictures, Beau, but we did notice that your dad was not on the usual side we see him on.

Ann said...

Looking good Beau. I get confused by the selfies that are all backwards.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You are the joy in their day. Let Mama play. You're a good boy Beau.