Saturday, March 4, 2023

Emergency Woes


Do I look sad? Well, it is a sad story.

Thursday Night, at 10:30 daddy woke mama up and said he needed to go to the Emergency Room, that he could not move or bend over, and his right side was hurting really bad, and he thought it might be his appendix.
Mama said that is your BACK not your appendix, but they left me HOME ALONE and she drove him over to the Hospital and they did not come home for FOUR HOURS.
I have NEVER been left HOME Alone at night, never, not even in the evening.

I suffered, truly I did.

 Bob had the same symptoms I had 2 weeks ago that was diagnosed as a pulled muscle, in the same exact place. It hit him like it did me, suddenly he could not move without groaning!
5 vials of blood drawn Twice
Cat Scan of abdomen and chest, 6 X-Rays front and back and side.
EEG of heart
poked and prodded by doc and Peed In a cup.
They found Nothing.
go Home take something for pain and wait it out.
The odd thing is, Aunt Jackie is having similar pains and the girl Mama talked to in the lobby, said she went to put her backpack in the car after work, and suddenly pains hit her, and she fell to the ground screeching and crying.
Mama thinks there is some new diabolical virus, that attacks the back and that it came out of the balloon that was shot down last week.

Whatever, the ER visit was the worst one EVER and Daddy is still hurting which means we are back to ONE WALKER ONLY. and now Mama is the caregiver.

Mama said the saddest thing of all, she took this photo of the doors into the ER and the small sign in the middle had this message.
Another sad thing is, there was one Hospital Security Agent and TWO armed to the teeth
Police Officers sitting in the Lobby.
Both MadSnapper and Fourpawsetc will be closed on Sunday to recoup


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Aw heck, Beau, your peeps are having a hard time of it... but all I could think here was 'thank goodness they didn't happen in tandem'... cuz who would do the caring then?!!! YOu be sure be gentle around them and keep checking on them to make them smile. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry! How strange and sad. Fingers crossed for you all

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,
I am sorry your Daddy is in pain, I hope he feels better soon.
Sending healing prayers and get well wishes.
Take care of your Mama and Dadddy. HUGS, have a happy day!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh no, I am so sorry to read this dear Beau. That is so strange that daddy had the same problem as mama. Maybe it is a weird bug that is going around. A big hug to you, mama and daddy. You were a brave boy holding the fort down until they got back.

Tigger's Mum said...

Queue the X Files theme music.... something very weird is afflicting your family Beau. We hope Poppa gets better soon and de Mama doesn't do another round with it ever but especially not while she is your only walking companion. F says if she lived closer she would walk with you. Paw smacks Mr T

Ann said...

Oh no. So sorry to hear this. Maybe it wasn't just a pulled muscle you had then if so many others are getting the exact same pain. Hope Bob is better soon

Rose said...

This is just so strange...I hope he recovers soon....

Mevely317 said...

OMG, same here! While working in his 'shop', Tom banged his back the other day. Instead of getting better, it's getting worse. He can hardly move and I thought we'd have to go to the ER last night. But no, he's being stubborn and I have to go back to Troy and Lois' estate sale in a little while. Oh vey!

Millie and Walter said...

We're so sorry to hear your dad had to go to the ER. Our paws are crossed that he feels better soon.

My Mind's Eye said...

OH no Beau what a crazy turn of events for Dad to now have the sudden pain. YIKES....what it the there a virus that causes this?
We are hearing more and more about ER's having trouble with
folks they are trying to help

Hugs Cecilia

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Oh NO!!!! You poor things, all of you! We can imagine how scary it was for you to be left alone for all those hours, and are sorry your Dad was in so much pain. We hope the meds kick in quickly and he'll be back to his old self asap.


Inger said...

What! Are they attacking healthcare workers now? I read the paper every morning and I haven't seen anything about that. Seeing those cops in there, must have been strange, but comforting and also so sad. I'm so sorry about this mysterious illness that seems to have hit your city. But a good thing that Bob was checked out so thoroughly. Take it easy, get a good rest tomorrow and I hope Bob will feel better soon.

But it is really weird, the way this mysterious pain seems to be hitting more people than just you two.

Inger said...

Oh Beau, I forgot I was reading your blog post. So you will take good care of your people. I know you will, you are such a good boy.

WFT Nobby said...

Oh dear Beau, you have every right to be looking sad. But your poor Daddy. And poor Mama. Gail and I are sending our strongest healing vibes across the Pond, and hoping for better news soon.

photowannabe said...

Oh no!!!
What in the world is going on?
This is terrible.
Prayers for ALL of you.
Speedy recovery and please Sandra be careful!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can't believe what I am reading. I'm so sorry that Bob is feeling like you were feeling, along with Aunt Jackie, not to mention that you had to take him to the ER. What the heck is going on? Keeping all of you in my prayers. Hope Bob feels better soon.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dang, that is horrible and we're so sorry your Dada is now having those problems. How strange there are others with similar issues, it sounds like something weird is going on. We're thinking about you all.

Chatty Crone said...

BEAU I AM SO SORRY and for your parents too! That is a sad story and after all that they did not find anything.
Hand in there and hopefully things will get better soon.

Kten said...

We are very sorry to read about your scary adventures. We hope everyone is feeling well soon and there are no more terrible balloon diseases out there. Lady says she has known at least 35 people who have had Covid in the past month (many first timers), but has not heard anything like your dad had. Take care. Sending healing vibes. Lee and Phod

diane b said...

Sad story hope everyone has recovered.