Tuesday, June 14, 2022

There is a monster on our roof


Early Monday Morning, it was still dark, Mama took the broom out to sweep the leaves off the porch.
she said there was a monster coming to look at our tree.
She was outside for 87 years, and came in the house laughing and telling me that all 5 owls were in the tree. She said she stood like a statue and watched as 2 babies dropped out of the tree on the left and started pecking in the grass, one flew out of the same tree and sat in the other tree and STARED at Mama.
It was a Mama Owl, or maybe a daddy owl. 
she watched them and they watched her and she said they were making burbling noises, like a baby when it takes a bottle.

She did not go out to see the owls. We were waiting for Tommy, from Monster Tree Service to come tell us how many millions of dollars they would charge to cut down the tree.
The best part of the story is about ME. Tommy came, looked at the tree, told mama that tree is dead, we can't save any of it.
Mama said ON NO not even the green part? that shades the whole bedroom from the morning sun.
They came in the house, he squated down and hugged me and told me he has a German Shepherd that is really old and that they are going to get a Great Dane. I told him I am part dane, but I can't go with you.
He said some words that made my pawrentz sad, something about MONEY and mama gave him a deposit, not like my deposit, one that goes in the bank.
She can save her dollars because they can't come until the week after July 4th, and that depends on the weather. Something about can't use a chain saw in rain.
The story has a happy ending because he left for a while, came back and we went through the same thing where he squated and I sat on his feet and he hugged me while he talked.
I am An Affection Hound. My Mama says so
PS from mama she knows those are not screech owls but they were quick and easy to add
The sad thing is, all five owls were in that tree and she hopes their nest is not in there. But the man said they will be grown by the time he comes back.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Now I am worried about the owls. I hope he did not charge tons of money. Trees cost a fortune to cut down. Our bit Maple in front would have been about a thousand dollars!! Lucky for us, it was just over the city line, so the cty had to pay to do it.

Tigger's Mum said...

That's a really big tree to have to take out. That'll leave a gaping hole in your shade...!!! We are glad you like the tree man Beau. At home in UK I liked the window cleaner. He used to share his ham sandwiches with me. Paw smacks Mr T

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm sorry you're losing your shade, plus a potful of money, but at least the little owls will have grown by the time the fellow does it. He sounds like a wonderful man.

WFT Nobby said...

We were worried about what might happen to the owls' home. Thankfully little owlets grow fast.
PS Gail had a big laugh when she read that your mama "gave him a deposit, not like my deposit" and started thinking about occasions when she felt like paying with my 'deposits'...

easyweimaraner said...

ll peeps love you because you are da beau-tiful Beau.... we hope the owls are big enough when the tree goes down and maybe you can find something to keep the sun away in da morning....

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Beau boy, believe it or not, last night I was serenaded for over an hour with an owl (or maybe two conversing, whoooooo knows?!) out in the HUGE trees behind the Hutch - try as I might I could not see it/them, because those trees are very much not dead and are fully clothed in green... so lots of hiding places! I do hope your Hoots are fully fledged by the time that lovely Monster man returns! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

Oh no, that's sad news about the tree. It's a shame they can't save it. I think I might have the same problem with a tree in my front yard.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

It is always sad when a tree ha to be cut down, like losing an old friend.

We too hope the owls will be safe.


eileeninmd said...

A dead tree can be dangerous, it is best to have it taken down.
I hope the owls are nesting in another tree, or they find a place next year that is nearby. Beau, everyone wants to be your friend, we all love you.
HUGS, have a happy day!

Rose said...

I am glad your mama has got the tree situation handled and I do hope the owls will be grown by the time he comes back. The young birds do.mature quick so he is probably right.

Millie and Walter said...

We have lots of dying trees around us that must come down too. Our pawrents weren't happy with the price they were quoted so they are getting a second estimate. We bet you made that tree guys day when you let him hug you, Beau.

My Mind's Eye said...

Who who is on your roof? BOL
I love this x 100
Hugs cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dang, those poor owls are gonna get evicted.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WOW!! What a wonderful sight your Mama must have had and how wonderful to have such a friendly visitor!
Rosy, Sunny & Jakey

Sandee said...

I know mom will make sure the babies are out of the tree before it comes down. Mom rocks. I love owls.

Have a woof woof day, Beau. My best to your mom. ♥

Mevely317 said...

How cool that the momma owl was so interested in your momma! I'm sure once the chain saw starts its racket she and her babies will scram. Hopefully not too far, because it sounds like they like you.
I love(d) our trees, but not so much the $$$ spent to take them down.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's an interesting story. I'm glad the owls were out front to see. It's a shame about the tree. Will the whole tree be coming down? It's so nice to have shade from the tree. Sounds like a very nice man.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We hope the owls fly away before the man comes back to take down the tree. But better to get rid of that tree than to have it fall on the house.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

lexitheschnauzer said...

While a $$ shock, it is still less than having a $$ home repair before $$removing the tree. Tree removal is a $$good business to go into!

Ojo said...

Hi friend, Ojo here! Hugs are nice! Doggy deposits are the best. And also we had two owls here today too! My person called the barred owls. The hummingbirds did not like them and made lots of noises and zipped around everywhere. I hope you get to meet your new friend again soon for more hugs!