Monday, June 6, 2022

Monopod Monday and Sneaky Mama


Mama found a way to sneak photos of me. She stood the camera on the monopod and sat in her chair, and I had no idea she was aiming at me sleeping on sofa and scratching on the living room floor. 

Her monopod fits on her Nikon and on her little cannon. they are both old and the cell takes better photos. She said the hot chocolate ruined sport mode on the Nikon. I was not the one who did that.

 BUTT she is wearing out her phone..  I say,  the photos taken with the monopod are no good anyhow, so put the thing back in the closet or donate it to the thrift store.

Mama here, it is not the monopod, it is the camera doesn't like moving subjects. Beau stood up, glared and walked away. 
Low Light, Moving Dog, that is my story and I am sticking to it


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a good idea! Yes, I still remember the hot chocolate incident on the kitchen table. Well, at least it only ruined one mode. DIDN'T IT?

Tigger's Mum said...

How do animals know it's a camera? And why do some not mind (Angus gets great daily expressions from Sophie). F takes 100s of Mr T to get a decent portrait once in a while. Thank goodness for digital photos - you would never have done that with film.

easyweimaraner said...

that's a fab idea!!!! your mama should get a tv show... there were so many tipps and tricks what helped us to make life easier ;O)

WFT Nobby said...

Mamas can be sneaky, I'm learning.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I bought a monopod any moons ago... it has lingered in waiting for quite a few moons since. Never mind Beau, mum doesn't mind the quality of the photos, just so long as she has plenty of them to mark your years with her and daddy! It's impawtant for peeps you see... hugs and wags, yAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

At least you can still get some pictures with the camera. I get a whole lot of not very good pictures with a perfectly good camera. Sneaky way to get shots of Beau with the monopod

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,

Moving objects are hard to catch, you have to stay still for your Mama's camera. I think your photos are cute! HUGS, have a happy day!

Rose said...

You could try setting it in shutter priority mode...give it a shutter speed of say will set the aperture. I am pretty sure you can do that on that camera, but I can't recall what else you can set. That is what I always did on my DSLRs...and it usually worked fine for things.

Millie and Walter said...

Your mom caught you in the act, Beau. She is always trying to find a way to sneak your picture without you realizing it.

Mevely317 said...

Momma's got her thinking cap on!
We watched the Tentecle re-run on Shark Tank again last night and it's back on my radar. (
I can't remember what kind of phone y'all have; does the camera have a count-down feature?

My Mind's Eye said...

MS snapper sneaky no way Beau
Hugs Cecilia

Marvelous Marv said...

Beau, we like your action shots! So sorry we have not stopped by for a while! Its been difficult to get Mom to take care of our blog these days, but she does a wonderful job of taking care of us! Cinnamon sends happy barks to see you!

Sandee said...

Mom is getting more clever all the time. Trial and error, but pictures of you we'll get. I do agree that moving objects/pups are hard to photograph.

Have a woof woof day and week, Beau. My best to your peeps. ♥

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Mamas sure are sneaky, aren't they??
Rosy, Sunny & Jakey

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your mama just can't stop taking pictures of you because she loves you so much.

Kten said...

She is a little obsessed. We hope she is paying well for all those pictures! Lee and Phod

CheerfulMonk said...


Brian's Home Blog said...

We do like seeing more of you handsome Beau!

lexitheschnauzer said...

Hate to tell you, Beau, but it took good pictures and we think she should keep the sneak approach going, BOL! Xena, Lucy and Chia