Friday, October 8, 2021



Oh Look she said, "he has his butt on the volunteer powder puff bush. 
I said So What?
You know I love dirt.
We both think this is ok on Nature Friday because there is dirt, flowers, leaves in the photo and I am OUTDOORS!
I gave her my best disgusted look and said go ahead Mama, tell another Cheweenie Story.

You may remember, the Cheweenie Terrorist Attack in a prior post.

recreation of Chiweenies from Google photos

Each morning at 7, the Man of the Cheweenies puts them on the back patio, one is left free, the other is tied with a rope to a post. This is new, for about the last 10 days. The man sits on the front porch smoking, the dogs are on the back porch, and can't be seen by the man, which upsets the Mama.

The first 3 times the Terrorist nearly throttled himself leaping and barking and growling. the Free Roamer growles and put the hackles up, but did not leave the concrete...  

I pretty much ignored them except a whimper which means I love you, what is wrong with you. Mama talks to me and said "Lets ignore them each time we pass and see how long it takes for them to stop this foolishness. It took 4 days. Now when they see us coming, they both stand and stare at us, and when we come back by they just stare....  Mama is thinking of starting to talk to them like she talks to me, but then they might turn into hooligans' again.   It freaks Mama out because she is afraid the free roamer will rush out to us and get hit by a car. Remember we walk on a busy street.


easyweimaraner said...

it's probably better to ignore them... our dad started to talk to the new pup of dramacula when it cries like a banshee, when they leave him alone outside in the morning, but it ended that the little pup is glued to the fence and after some dog talk, we wrecked the fence and there we were ...face to face to da wee pup, all surprised that the fence was gone... fortunately the mama needed only a nano second to act and she called us back (it worked! hallelujah, a miracle) and repaired the fence before something happens, whatever it is....

Tigger's Mum said...

We've never heard of a chiweenie...looks (and sounds from your description) like any small dog that hasn't been taught good manners like yours. Wee dogs don't know they are small, they just behave like dogs, and F wants to know why behaviour that would be called dangerous if you did it Beau, is called cute or excusable in small dogs. If a big dog in a rescue centre raised its hackles and snarled no one would be allowed to rehome it. Congrats for being so calm Beau. Paw smacks Mr T

Ann said...

I hate to admit it but if you and Beau walked by my house while Gibbs was out, he would act just like the Chiweenie. He would go ballistic and nothing you do would get him to stop. I don't get why the guy couldn't smoke in the back yard with the dogs.

eileeninmd said...


Some dogs just like to bark at anything they see. The free roamer would worry me, they should have a fenced in yard for the dogs. Beau you are a good boy, well behaved. Just keep ignoring those Cheweenies. HUGS, have a happy day!

Rose said...

I still giggle at chiweenie terrorist...Beau be thankful you have a mama that takes hood care of you.

Chatty Crone said...

Disco is one of those little chiweenie's that thinks he is a huge dog - but we are ALWAYS with him on a leash - he chokes himself!

Zoolatry said...

Well, we're moving on now. Saw "weenies" in the title and thought maybe you were offering hot dogs for breakfast ... fries on the side.

My Mind's Eye said...

It hurts to see dogs tethered to something straining and pulling with all their might.
Hugs Cecilia

Millie and Walter said...

You are such a good boy, Beau. We love your pictures outside with your ball. It's good that those little pups learned to ignore you since you and your mom just walk calmly by.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope they stay where they belong Beau, they're safe that way. I love your photos!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Although I do know what a Chiweenie is, I second Tigger's comment - having been ravaged by a neighbour's Papillon at my ankles once. I try to love all dogs equally, but truth is I am prejudiced against such as these! You are a good boy to ignore them and I think you and mum should just continue doing so... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Sandee said...

You're such a good pup, Beau. I would ignore these pups if I could, but sometimes you can't.

Have a woof woof day and weekend, Beau. My best to your smart mom. ♥

Mevely317 said...

I think that would freak me out a little, too. Besides, the midget might be entertaining a piece of you, Beau. I know, it sucks sometimes to have to turn the other cheek. (Pun intended!)

CheerfulMonk said...

Good for you and your mom! Stay safe and have fun.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I sure do remember your other story! It was really memorable, both for it's humor and interest. If Mama talks to Cheweenies, they may take it as an act of aggression, like looking them straight into the eyes. Woe to you both. The tiny ones act like they are pit bulls, and will take on anything of any size. I guess that is how they manage to survive with their tiny bodies.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Good going Beau, always best to ignore little barky dogs(like Sunny BOL)

Your pictures ALWAYS work for Nature Friday!!
Rosy and the Gang

Inger said...

I've lived with 12 dogs in my life and I only got bit by one. It was a weenie dog. Not mine, I didn't know it, but it bit me. I also don't like the chi dogs. I think I'm a bit scared of them.

lexitheschnauzer said...

When I was a kid, the neighbors Chihuahua used to chase me. They can be quite aggressive. Although I have met some sweet ones...

Marvelous Marv said...

That sounds like Reggie (the dog up the street). He barks when Cinnamon and Mom walk past until Mom says Hi Reggie! Then he shuts right up! Reggie was out for a walk with his human (the one and only time that anyone in the neighborhood can remember) and he and his peeps was on one side of the road and Cinnamon and Mom were on the other. Reggie was a purrfect boy, he did not bark at all. Cinnamon went crazy barking! Mom could NOT get her to sit, or stop barking. Mom was totally embarrassed as Cinnamon is (almost) always a good dog.