Wed at 5 AM I said to Mama, let me out please! It's sign language and a few wooos... paws touching arms, woooooo woooooo nudging with my head. It means time for a poop Mama.
She opened the door and I nearly knocked her down rushing out and then Mama her screeching and screaming and crying and stepped out to see Me be attacked by a half grown raccoon, who was making all the noise.
on the second Come I came and she put me inside and went to see why BOBBOBBBBBBBBB did not Come on Command.
OF COURSE! He was in the bathroom and could NOT come.
I went out to POOP but Daddy left for the YMCA Pool and Mama had been outside to find 2 babies in the tree one crying one still screeching and one dead on the ground.
I had to wait to do my bidness until 6:30 when daylight came, the coons left the yard and daddy came home. She told me about the raccoon attack by a MAMA coon that was horrid a few years ago with Jake.
The raccoons first showed up in our yard in 2014 SEE HERE again in 2015, 2016 which was a horrid fight with Jake and the Mama who would not stop attacking Jake, bob Grabbed her by the tale and flung her over the fence and she came back up and over and attacked again. She did not survive.
Mama said the Mama racoon must be dead because she did not come when they called.
Now as far as we know, two of them are still out there some where and when she takes me out, i have to wait while she turns on the FLOODLIGHTS and goes out with a flashlight and checks all corners of the yard and up in the trees.
She clears the yard and I have no idea WHY because I did a great job of it. Since she was NOT IN THE MOOD to take pics of the little devils I leave you with this one of me with a teaser of what is to come.
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MY ORANGE THANG GREW REALLY BIG... to be continued |
I am surprised that a raccoon would attack something so much bigger than it! Maybe this meant it is rabid? Or crazy. Scary for poor Beau!
wow the love of a racoon mama can move mountains and even dogs..... we are glad that efurrything ended well. da nelly is callable in nearly all situations, the mama said that is success but I say he is a crawler lol
That would have been scary having a raccoon attack and then have it come back after being thrown over a fence.
I'm glad that Beau didn't get hurt when he went out there.
That is some big orange thing. You must have said super size it when you ordered that one :)
That is a scary time Beau, I hope you were not hurt.
Did it bite you? The darn raccoons are bad critters.
I love the cute photo with you and the big orange ball.
HUGS, have a happy day!
I have to go back and read a out the other episodes with Jake.
I suppose you soccer with your orange thing
Hari Om
OMD, you all could do without that kinda night excitement!!! Mama critters of all sorts can get very fierce when it comes to pawtecting their young - that is pawcisely what your mama was doing in her turn! Stay safe, Beau-boy... and gracious, look at the size of the orange thang!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx
Sorry you and your Mama had to go through that Beau. What a scary experience.
You didn't get hurt did you? That is so scary! That is one giant orange thang Beau!
That had to be so scary and I'm glad you are okay Beau, dang.
That must have been scary for you and your mom, Beau. We're glad to hear you are okay. Boy, that sure is a big ball.
I'm horrified all over again! Surprised your neighbors didn't respond ... I mean, what if you were being attacked by an axe murderer?
Good idea to carry the flashlight. God forbid this should happen again, but. Do you happen to have a canister of pepper spray?
If they have babies they will attack anything and anyone. I'm glad you're okay, Beau.
Have a woof woof day and weekend. My best to your peeps. ♥
I am so glad you are okay! Man that is wild.
Love your new big orange ball.
I think I could hear the screeching all the way up here in NC.
Just scary
Hugs cecilia
Oh how I wish I had the opportunity to take on a racoon!
(Said by a terrier safe in the knowledge that 2000 miles of ocean separates him from the nearest actual wild racoon)...
WOW - we are glad you are OK after that attack. We hope we never have raccoons in our yard because we would for sure try to go after them.
Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
I have a war doing with the ones in our oak trees in our big-house-in-the-city. I HATE THEM.
But I think I may love your Ball. How did it get so big????
How scary!
The raccoons here are still wild and afraid of People and Dogs, they have been known to go after the cats when the cats bother them in their dens. Yours sound like the raccoons we encountered in the city. Mom would not take Cinnamon out at night there unless she was on a leash after the border collie down the road got attacked.
Cinnamon is jealous of that ball Beau!
OMD, the HORRORS!!!! I can totally see Ma doin' this! We gots raccoons and possums and coyotes and all kinds of wildlife! So far, I have not come snooter to snooter with a raccoon or possum ~ they usually stay on the fence and trees. I have almost come snooter to snooter with a coyote though ~ they run down the streets here! It's kerazy! Anyhu, glads you were able to do your buzniess without too much drama 😉
Keep us updated on the situation!
Ruby ♥
Now this a scary story for me. Wild animals do worry me a lot. Sorry that Jake was attacked.
Wow and we thought the giant snake out back today was exciting, but it didn't attack us! Did you know you can borrow traps from places like the humane society and relocate the little critters?
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