Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Giant Orange Thang Tale


Mama was disapointed when Amazon Guy brought the box. She sat it down, I ignored it. She opened it. I ignored it even when she said Remember what the Weims do when they get a box?
I said So and continued to lie starting at the box.
She lifted out a GIANT sized Orange Thang and kicked it across the living room floor. 
I raced after it she said Bring it to me.
I LOVE IT, when someone kicks it, I grab it and lay down and MUNCH!
They took it in the yard!
Same thing. Daddy made me bring it to him by being FIRM VOICED
Butt there was an episode!
We had a tug of war and some how my bib paw ripped a place on daddys hand.
What is the big deal? I don't want to chase it, I want to 
EAT it!
Mama explained it is a kick and fetch and good for pools also.
Day 3, I am still munching and ripping. 
can you see the slimy slobber?
You should see that when they kick in in black dirt!

Close up of my $18.00 Chew Toy. Did Amazon LIE when it says KICK Fetch?
we are now a five ball house
They keep getting BIGGER all but the BIG one belong to my beloved Big Boy
who never chased a ball in his life. He did chew on them.
I love you furever Big


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, it is so big that at first I thought of course you cannot catch and bring it, you cannot fit it in your mouth. But now I see it has ridges so you can get ahold of it. Maybe you do NOT recognize it as a ball, like your orange thing. Because it is not shaped like one. You think it is a different kind of new fun toy. Even better.

CheerfulMonk said...

Too funny!

ZOOLATRY said...

Very ballsy of you!

eileeninmd said...


It is a big mouth to fit in your mouth.
It would be fun if you could kick it back to your Mama and Dad, like a soccer ball.
HUGS, have a fun day playing ball.

Ann said...

Well goodness gracious, great balls of orange. You've got quite a collection there. Silly humans though, just because it says fetch doesn't mean you have to take it back to them. They kick it, you go fetch it and then do what you want to with it.

Martha said...

What a yummy giant orange thang! You have a great collection. We all miss Big boy too, you would have loved him and been best friends Beau.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Beau, that is a fangtastic ball to add to your collection... yeah, and 'fetch' doesn't mean 'return'!!! How lovely to see angel Big on the blog today. Hugs and wag,s YAM-aunty xxx

Mevely317 said...

Oh Beau, I love your smart-alecy attitude! 😁
Ginny just voiced what I was thinking/wondering. Afraid my Grace would be terrified of it, but Macie would try and devour it, too.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is a huge orange thang Beau, fun, fun and more fun!

My Mind's Eye said...

One thing for sure you won't lose it.
I'm beginning to be a big fan of the color combo of orange and blue
Hugs Cecilia

Millie and Walter said...

That looks like a fun ball to play with. Walter would be chewing it just like you, Beau.

Chatty Crone said...

I was wondering how he was going to catch that ball, but I see it has ridges so you can get ahold of it.
Wow - he has quite a collection.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about Bob's arm. I know my skin would easily tear too. I guess he loves the ball!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We had a big soccer ball in our yard for a long time and we just ignored it. But it got so weathered from just sitting there that eventually we were able to pick it up by the shredded fabric. Then we just ran around and shook it. We do have one of those Giggly balls. We think it is dumb, and so it just sits at the bottom of the toy box.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Marvelous Marv said...

Hee Hee! Cinnamon loves to chew her balls too! Her Chuck-its are kept only in the chuck-it stick or in a bag on the shelf or they would be slimy mangled messes. She tries to rip the struts in her kong balls too! And the dirt on the slimy balls...Gross! Mom hates touching the balls!

DeniseinVA said...

Love it!