Sunday, June 21, 2020

Zo and Susan

 my mama likes to talk!  a lot!
Because of the Lockdown from the virus thingy she doesn't get to talk to many people other than Daddy and me! 

She talks to strangers. You may remember  Susan and Zo from a prior post.

Yesterday while they were wasting Mama walking time  chatting for 20 minutes, Zo wrapped himself round and round the stop sign.

Mama learned, she puts him on 30 foot lead while she is in front yard doing yard work!
Her name is Susan, Zo is about 7 and someone threw him out on the street when he was 6 months old and she and hubby grabbed him.

She has lived there since 1993, Mama moved here in 1989.

She pointed out 3 houses and said she lived in all 3, one with her parents, one with her son, this one with her hubby of 39 years, and the house she lives in belonged to her hubbies parents until they died.
There is MORE but you GET that Mama and Susan both LOVE to talk. It seems she is suffering from conversation back up from virus thingy also.

DADDY said to mama, when she told him all this, HOW LONG DID YOU TALK?  Daddy would nod and say Morning and move on.  It is hard to believe we lived in the same neighbor hood for 30 years and never saw or talked to her.


Brian's Home Blog said...

See, you always do learn something new every day!

My Mind's Eye said...

A good conversationalist can find at a lifetime of information in
a matter of minutes. And it is obvious your mom and Susan are good.

Sometimes my B is amazed about how much I can find out in a restroom.
Evidently MEN don't talk in the restroom.
Hugs Cecilia

eileeninmd said...


Zo reminds me of my Goldie Girl. It is nice to stop and chat with the neighbors. Enjoy your day!

Rose said...

Conversation back-up...that is me!

Mevely317 said...

Love it! Were it not for the 'C' word who knows how many more years might have passed with momma and Susan not striking up a conversation! Just like you, Big, it sounds like Zo hit the canine lottery.

PS - Don't forget to tell daddy, 'Happy Father's Day', okay?

Ginny Hartzler said...

At least this is one good thing from the dreaded virus!

Ann said...

Well that's awesome that your mama found someone who enjoys talking as much as she does. I wonder why they never met each other before.

Ruby said...

Oh, nows that's what peeps do BB! Yap, yap yap! You should hear Ma go on and on and on....sigh. Butts sometimes I gets scritches, butts not lately, and Ma says it's cause of the Rona. I don't likes this Corona. Anyhu, looks like you made some pawsome pals!
Ruby ♥

Zoolatry said...

Two chatty-cathies met on a walk.
They stopped the walk
to talk, talk, talk.

lexitheschnauzer said...

Our mom had been wasting our walk time talking to neighbors, too. It must be going around.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, she's been there a long time. That is a long time not to actually meet someone but heck we don't know anyone in our neighborhood. Barely say hi to the next door neighbors.