Saturday, June 20, 2020

Instant post #4

Once again, the pawrentz went to the POOL, my breakfast was late, then they walked and fed me and LEFT ME HOME ALONE again....they were gone a whole hour and when they came home the second time I did something I NEVER do..
I JUMPED UP on Mommy and my nail ripped a hole in her skin...
can you tell I am sorry?
Mama said to tell you , if you have been home with your pets for Covid-19, and you are going back to work, you should start doing the work schedule a week ahead so the pups/cats can get used to it and not just all of a sudden POOF you are gone all day... she saw that on the news so it must be TRUE.

My daddy still doesn't have surgery scheduled, but he does have a consult with the ocular surgeon on July 2nd.... 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh NO! did it bleed much? Put Neosporin and a band-aid on it! I think he was just overjoyed to see you, and forgot the rules.

Ann said...

Aw, I'm sure you are very sorry you hurt your momma. I know you didn't mean to you were just so happy to see them.
That's a good idea for people with pets who are returning to work and suddendly have to leave the pets home alone again.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
BB, you were just so extra happy to see her, right? The advice to phase in separations for work again is sound - imagine all the mourning dogs in the country, being left alone once more!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

eileeninmd said...

Hello BB,

You were just happy to see your Mama come home...I hope all goes well for your daddy and the surgeon! Take care, enjoy your day!

My Mind's Eye said...

BB ask mom to give you a mani-pedi I think fire engine red polish would look very pretty w your black furs.
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Please don't fret, Big. Of course, it was an accident!

That's good advice your momma has about re-learning routines. And I'm glad she updated your daddy's eye situation; I was wondering!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'll bet you were hungry BB. We sure hope your Dad gets the surgery out of the way soon. Thank you for your kind words about our sweet Zoe, we appreciate it.

Inger said...

That's some good advice from your mommy, about not taking off all of a sudden. You just jumped on her because you were so happy to see her again you just couldn't contain yourself. We all know how much you love her.

Rose said...

I know your mama forgave you...

KB said...

I'm glad that your parents can go to the pool again! Maybe you could ask for ice cream whenever they go swimming? ;)