Today is Sunday and I am cold. It is 5:16 am as my secretary types this and I am on the sofa wrapped in baby blankets... It is 56 outside and the house is at a cozy brrrrr temp of 67. Daddy says it is not cold enough for the heat to be turned on. The sun will come in my kitchen about 10 am, and warm up the whole house... I know all of you in REAL snow are colder than I am, BUTT I am not used to cold. Daddy said he had trouble keeping up with me on our walk yesterday, it was misting rain and Mommy let us go alone. He said something about my being IN Gear.
That is my weather report for today... Mommy did my snow in PicMonkey.
Our prediction is for 7 days of this COLD... Brrrrrr
LOL, BB it is snowing in Florida. Only 30° here, I would love your 56.
We can understand if you aren't use to cold that can feel cold. But we are laughing a little as it was -13 here this week.
Hari Om
It's all relative to your acclimatisation, Big... that's the scientific bit over. Now - brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... sending warm hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
That snow effect is soooo neat! 'Just checked the clock, so you don't have much longer to wait on your sun-puddle.
Not MY doing, but we've had the heat on (72*) for a week now.
Love the snow effect. I heard Florida was going through a cold snap. Hope it warms up for you soon.
30 degrees here at noon, B.B!! How many times have you guys ever had to use the heat? Now that I am older and thinner, I cannot take the cold like I used to.
Burr! Head over to my dad's house, his heat is on!
BB today is the first time we have seen the sun in 4 days...
They say next week will be more seasonal temps than this past week
Hugs Cecilia
You need to have your mom get you a sweater for those cold days. It's not snowing here but we do still have a little left on the ground. The temp is 41 right now and in the house I have the thermostat set at 68.
I have to say you look beautiful in snow!
You will be magnificent bounding through the snow!
You can have my warm jammies, BB, but we think you are too big for them. Time to get some, though, and a sweater and a winter coat, too. Xox Lucy
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