Big Boy here... Mom says she just found out from my friend Lucy, that today is World Parrot Day and she borrowed this post from 2009 on her other blog. One of her first post way back when. I told her it is ok to USE MY blog once in a while for other subjects besides ME.
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
Thanks Peggy for the inspiration!

I Love Parrots! I purchase a season pass each year to Jungle Gardens, solely for the purpose of photographing parrots. to see my Happy Face, click on picture to enlarge details
Fact 1: There are 328 species of Parrots
Amazon Parrot, he is very small, about 8 inches.
Fact 2: Parrots can fly up to 400 miles a day in the Jungle and there loud noise can be heard up to a mile away.
This is a Hyacinth Macaw
Fact 3: Large Parrots such as these Macaws live more than 75 years. small ones live 10 to 15 years
Military Macaws are the best known.
Fact 4: Most parrots have a keen sense of smell. It's believed that they exude an aroma to attract a mate.
On the Light Side of parrots!
A postal carrier is working on a new beat. He comes to a garden gate marked BEWARE OF THE PARROT! He looks down the garden and, sure enough, there's a parrot sitting on its perch. He has a little chuckle to himself at the sign and the parrot there on its perch. The mailman opens the gate and walks into the garden. He gets as far as the parrot's perch, when suddenly, it calls out: "REX, ATTACK!"
Hari OM
Bwyayayahahahahah... beware the parrot with a big mouth!!! A good post, Big. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx
Hello, BB
I love the parrots too, they are beautiful birds. So colorful too!
Enjoy your day!
I didn't know you liked parrots. The photos are beautiful. They are beautiful birds.
I'd totally forgotten about Jungle Gardens! These are exquisite! Now, Tom loves him all sorts of parrots. Probably because they can sense I'm intimidated, I want to appreciate them from a distance.
CUTE joke!
You are a good boy to let mum put other subjects on your blog BB. You will always be the star :) Interesting about those parrots. I would love to have a Jungle Gardens here so that I can see them all the time. Say hello to Mom for me. Always love her pics.
Big this is a most colorful Parrot know I love the Military Mawcaw!!
Hugs Cecilia
I love the quote, joke, and parrots! I remember some of them from your old posts. I also love the little insert picture of you laughing! What a fun and colorful post!!
Such beautiful birds. One can 'almost' forgive their raucous calls in the early morning that wake you up! Love the parrot joke. Gave me a chuckle this cold, (-1°C), dark morning!
I didn't know you like parrots either - I think they are pretty - but don't think I would like one. Sandie
I did not know it was world parrot day. I also didn't know those facts about parrots. I'm betting after flying 400 miles, they would have some pretty tired wings.
Ow those are very nice photographs of parrots.
We forgot about parrot day too.
What interesting parrot facts...and a giggleworthy pun :-)!
Thanks BB for letting mommy use your blog. I enjoyed the parrot post very much and got a big giggle out of the last parrot joke.
Glad I could help, BB. ~Lucy
Have you heard the one that goes, see, there is this burglar person who comes in this parrot's house and the parrot tells him that Jesus is watching. The burglar ignores this crazy religious bird and starts to take the TV when this huge doberman dog comes around the corner and the bird says, "Hello, Jesus." He, he, he, I crack me up. xox Xena
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