Friday, September 27, 2024

Angel Max and Angel Bougie


Mama asked if she could tell a story about Angel max on Final Friday Feature. I said yes, of course mama. Go for it!  I would like to know why Max got to sleep on the bed and I do not.

It was 1986, Angel Max was 8 months old. Each night we went on a long walk. One night just at dusk, we were 5 houses from home, and suddenly Max dashed under a parked car barking, snapping that leash taunt and nearly pulling Daddy into a face plant!

Suddenly, out from under the car came the Big Boxing Bougie AKA as the neighbors huge gray tabby.  

Neither Mama or Daddy had any idea Bougie was under the car until he exploded into Max's face and was boxing and hissing loudly, we knew he was saying, come on dog, ya wanna piece of me? I'll give you a piece of me. 

We were laughing and trying to keep Beau off the cat and the cat off Max, and Bougie was hissing/spitting and boxing like Mohammed Ali, he actually followed us down the road about 20 feet, us backing up, dragging Max down the street, bougie still  boxing, walking on his hind feet.  Max with ear splitting barking.    It all ended well, no cat/dog/human was harmed, and we often remember this and laugh once again...THE END

Mama says to tell you, she had no photos because it was before she had a camera or a cell phone. She could see it in her head, but did not know how to draw a boxing cat or a dog diving under a car.

she asked Bing Creator to draw a tabby cat standing on hind legs, boxing at a German shepherd. She though she could use the shape of the shepherd and try to make it look like Max. Below are the two drawings she used to figure out how to draw the cartoon above.

Dearest Beau, Max was Mama and Daddy's first dog together, for 15 years, mama did not sleep good since she is a light sleeper. Along came Baby Girl and no other dogs ever slept with mama even though Daddy wanted them to

you will find Yam here


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a funny story! I have never heard of a cat like this. Hope you are all safe!

CheerfulMonk said...

What a great story! I've been thinking of you and hope you are safe from the storm.

easyweimaraner said...

seems that was an early boxing day... great that all went home without damage... hugs to you all, we hope for a not so wild helen...

Tigger's Mum said...

🤣 I have seen farm cats with attitude like that. I'm glad no one got hurt and you must compliment the mama on her drawing. Sometimes the picture you want is better drawn and that one is ideal.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh, Beau, that was a fabulous anecdote to share today - thanks for letting mum tell us the tale - and show her excellent skills with AI and pad drawing! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx (Hope you are all okay, with Helene raging somewhere nearby...)

Ann said...

That is some story and one tough cat. Love your drawing and great idea to get pictures from Bing to use for reference.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,
Thank you and your Mom for sharing that story. The images of the cat and the dog standing on the two legs is great. I hope all is well there, you stay safe and hopefully no storm damage. HUGS, have a happy day!

Mevely317 said...

What a wild story! Given that bougie's aggression, I'd have feared it might have been rabid.
So glad to see you, Beau but nothing from momma yet. Praying all is well from that storm!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was a grand tale of a cat tail!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

That Bougie was one brave boxing cat!

We also have been thinking about you a lot. We are sending prayers you are safe!
Sunny, Rosy, Beth and Ed

Millie and Walter said...

That's a great story. Our mom can fully relate to the strength of GSD's as they were the first dogs our parents had together too! We have our paws crossed that you are doing well in the aftermath of the hurricane. We saw from a comment Cecilia left that you are without power and hope it gets restored soon.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow! That was a scary situation. So glad that no one was harmed. Thank for letting Mama share the story here.