Thursday, July 11, 2024

National Pet Photo Day july 11


I chose Big Boy to talk about on National Pet Day because he was my first ever of our 6 dogs in our 40 years of marriage that was my heart dog from the moment we looked into each other's eyes.

We adopted Big from the County Shelter on 10/01/2018.
We told the lady who showed us dogs we wanted to adopt a black dog because we heard no one want them and we wanted one that was 7 or older, because no one wants older dogs.
Look up at him sitting in the yard, one hour after we brought him home. He appeared to have never seen a yard. He was afraid of the yard for a few weeks, Like what is this? I think he was thinking where the bars of the shelter are.

My big black dog named Big Boy melded his heart with my heart the moment he
climbed onto my lap, all 79 pounds of him, and the lady said Oh No, Gary, get down, 
Bob said, don't worry, he just sealed the deal. We changed his name because he did not look like Gary.

I called him my sheriff dog because he wore a star on his chest.

I will miss you until the day I die, my sweet Big Boy
God blessed me with a 2nd heart dog, and you all know him well. To see his photo, look up at the Header.. Big's story is on his page and his Label...
My 2nd Heart Dog. A miracle happened and I now have 2.

Doesn't Matter, we are Connected, and your blog used to belong to Big Boy and now is is yours and mine

We are joining Brian's Home Forever for Thankful Thursday On Pet Photo day. Big was thankful his last two year son earth were with Mama, and I am thankful I have been with Mama for almost 4 years and mama is thankful she has had 6 dogs in 40 years to take a zillion photos of.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I remember his story so well, and how you got him. He really was wonderful. So glad you have all the photos to remember him by. But of course his photo is always in your heart.

CheerfulMonk said...

You didn't have him long enough, but I'm so glad you found him at all. Bless you for asking for older dogs, and in Big Boy's case for asking for a black one. ❤️

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Indeed, Big boy WAS big!! I know he was ever so grateful to come out that shelter to be with you. Now Beau fills your heart with tons of love.

Ann said...

I remember Big Boy well. Such a sweet boy. Beau filled the empty space in your heart well when Big went to the rainbow bridge

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Big Boy's sweet nature shone from every shot your mum took of him, Beau, and somehow I loved him as much from all the way over here... but now that love comes your way - and I can't believe it has been four years already! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

eileeninmd said...

Awww, sweet images of Big Boy. I am thankful that your Mama rescued you.
You are in a loving home. HUGS, have a happy day!

Tigger's Mum said...

What a beautiful shiny Big Brother you had Beau - and thank you for sharing your blog with him today.

Marvelous Marv said...

Such a wonderful post about Bug Boy (and you too Beau). You made our Mom's eyes leak! Keep being awesome!
Marvelous Marv

Katie Isabella said...

I enjoyed every picture and every word on this on my first visit here. What a wonderful memory/story and I wish I had known him myself.

I thought of my last dog, Jack. He was a red hunting dog..his hair was about the same as mine in color. So he and I were fellow redheads. When I got married, my Dad hoped to have Jack stay with him so I did leave him at home while I went to FL. as a newlywed.

Thank you for a lovely memory to share with us all.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We didn't know Big Boy, but if he was anything like Beau, we know why he commandeered your heart.

Woos - Misty and Timber

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful tribute to the wonderful Big Boy...
Rosy & Sunny

Millie and Walter said...

Such sweet memories of Big Boy. We know you loved him so much and love Beau just as much.

Mevely317 said...

Thank you so much for sharing Big Boy with us those short two years. I love sweet Beau, but BB may be my favorite. Just looking at that picture of him gazing at the green grass puts a lump in my throat.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I didn't know about this day. Cute photos of Big. Sweet post.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was very sweet Beau and Big was adorable and we loved his soulful eyes. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

WFT Nobby said...

Aww. This is a such beautiful post honouring the memory of your beautiful Big Boy.

lexitheschnauzer said...

It is a rare and wonderful thing to have 2 heart dogs. Both of them have been very blessed to be chosen by you. Or is it the other way around?