Friday, June 21, 2024

I said No, she did not listen.


We got 4 inches of rain in one day and the weather man said no sunshine the next day. The sun shown all day and here is our proof. I was laying in the sun and she went in to get her camera and I got up and came and said NO PHOTOS MAMA!

Does Mamas cell phone make me look OLD? 

I said No to photos. She cared not one whit.
She said The badge says its Selfie day  so Selfie it will be.

Today is The first day of Summer, Summer Solstice Day.

Our summer started in April this year. Mama just got the highest power bill in June ever! April May and June are not supposed to be hot. Hottest June Record here. even went to 100 one day and high 90's many days.
Thanks for the Badges to to the MOM of  3 cats (Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo) a dog (Cinnamon) and an angel (Queen Nellie) over at Cats-astropic Events


Ginny Hartzler said...

Beau, I sure wonder WHAT you have against the camera! I just can't figure it out.

easyweimaraner said...

wow at solstice no sun? mother nature is not in the mood? wow... you never ever look old... our mama said her phone makes her old ... probably because it needs a century or a year till she found out how things work... then it can be that she sees the 10 years she needed in the photo hahahahahaha

Ann said...

Sorry she didn't listen to you Beau but I do enjoy seeing pictures of you.
We're having a bit of a heat wave here. It's hot enough that I wrestled the air conditioner into the bedroom window so that I can sleep at night. I'll regret it when next months electric bill comes.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Oh Beau, I got so carried away on mum's blog, I thought it was yours and commented accordingly! Tell her it still applies and just to change the name and wags to kisses!!! Even though she didn't respect your wish to not be photographed! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,
I just love seeing your photos, you should try posing more for your Mama and her phone camera. Just think how happy it would make her. SMILE.
It is hot here, take care and stay cool. HUGS, have a happy day!

ZOOLATRY said...

We thinks you'll be FurEver young ... you had some grey furs as a baby Beau, as a toddler Beau, as a boy Beau ... and right now as Beau Beau! So grey is as grey does and when you're old, well, you'll be grey like you were always grey and so nobody will know you're old, so you'll just still be Beau! Beau, Handsome Beautiful Beau ... did you see how
magical that is? Your name is part of the word "beau"tiful! How special is that!

Tigger's Mum said...

No of course you don't look old Beau - just distinguished.

Millie and Walter said...

You look handsome in your pictures, Beau. We've had a record high week this past week and are so thankful for a home with AC.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What pawsome selfies...and you know Mamas NEVER listen, especially when it comes to pictures!
Rosy & Sunny

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau your beautiful brindle furs make you furEVER young...
Horribly hot next 5 days....then a bit of a cool off about Thursday and maybe rain
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

I don't think peeps are too good at listening sweet Beau!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You are too funny saying no to Mama taking photos of you. Wow, that's been some hot weather. Sorry about the high power bill. Have a nice weekend.

Mevely317 said...

I don't think you look a day over 7, dear Beau. Please don't stay out in this weather too long, and keep an eye on your parents. This heat's a killer!

Mevely317 said...

Well darn. Big bad blogger ate my comment. 😑

CheerfulMonk said...

Poor Beau! But we do love to see pictures of you. ❤️

lexitheschnauzer said...

You know it does no good to say no to the Mama, Beau!It's been terribly hot too, so if we don't get a walk early in the morning, we don't get a walk

Rose said...

Mama only takes beautiful pics of you, Beau.