Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday Selfie, Ask me if I care!


 Otto, Jr, the new Ottoman in the house, bores me to tears sleep. she left it in front of the sofa, right in front of MY SPOT and I could not get to my seat. She finally moved it and then I had to stand another photo session. I told her I need my own ottoman.

Way to small Mama

NOT an ottoman Mama

I hate hats, just like Phod and Hailey

Close but not just right.

Aha! perfect size and I am loving the color and those cute little legs.

Mama here! I have advised Beau his blog will become Saturday/Sunday only unless something spectacualr happens. I thought about merging our two blogs but decided to try 2 days a week and see how it goes. I will still post on MadSnapper 7 days a week unless I need a break. Beau is almost 88 and so is Bob, both in Oct. I will be 80 in Sept,  the bones and brain are old and mostly all 3 of us eat, sleep with a trip to the park once a week


CheerfulMonk said...

As long as we still see pictures of, and hear about, you. And that you know how much we love you. ❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

Not that I don't love your blog, Beau, but I am so glad Mama's own blog will be every day!!! I love the last ottoman and want it. You look very distinguished here.

Ann said...

Now you know that I think you are totally adorable Beau, but all these pictures are so cute. I love the dog in the hat.
Perfectly understandable that your blog will only be 2 days a week.

eileeninmd said...

I know you want your comfy spot of the sofa, I am happy to see your cute!
The Jr Ottoman is cute. HUGS, have a happy day!

Tigger's Mum said...

Retirement should be restful Beau you will have more time now to contemplate avocados, squirrels and possums, muse on reflections and shadows, and examine the insides of your eyelids.

Rose said...

You have to do what you have to do...we will love you no matter what.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Fabby outtakes of AI you! I shall treasure the weekends just that bit more for knowing you will be here to visit! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

Millie and Walter said...

Our life is much the same and why our mom doesn't blog much anymore either, Beau. We'll miss seeing you more often but will be visiting your mom's blog too.

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau even bored to tears you are handsome..
See ya on the weekend.
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's quite okay to semi-retire sweet Beau, you've earned it by being so darn good!

Katie Isabella said...

Just let us know how you are and tell Mom hello from me and Katie.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about the ottoman being in your way. You are such a good boy.

Yes, I don't know how you blog so often as you do. I admire all that you do.

Mevely317 said...

Well, I think your momma does great keeping up with two blogs! Sounds like a Plan, and if that doesn't feel right she can always go back. Right?

These AI creations make me grin from ear to ear. Yes, that last one with the stubby legs is my favorite, too.

DeniseinVA said...

Love you any day mama is able to do a post and Saturday and Sunday seems like a good way to go. I will be here next weekend to catch up. These AI pictures are great too. Bless you all this weekend and more.

Kten said...

We are glad you Lady will still be blogging here 2 times a week. Our Lady tries to make it to visit once a week. In her dreams it is more, but she spends way too much time on screens some days and has nothing left. Lee and Phod

Tomichan Matheikal said...

Lovely creations!

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! How dare that ottoman block your spot! You look very regal on your throne, we hope your very own ottoman arrives soon!