Thursday, March 14, 2024

Twilight Zone in my kitchen


My prescription had been filled and Mama stood with my evening pill in her hand, I stood waiting for her to wrap it in cheese and suddenly 

I heard twilight zone music and Mama popped my Gabapentin in her mouth and drank water and swallowed it.. don't fret, she had another one for me. Now Mama wants to tell you 
The Rest Of The Story, herself.

For 24 hours, my stomach ached, nothing helped, not any of my teas, or any over the counter tummy things. I put heat on my tummy, and it helped for 10 minutes. I whined all day. 
Despite this I went to bed and slept straight through the night, 9 hours. I slept so hard that Bob got up, got his coffee and finished it while I did not even move. This never happens. He moves, I move. I am a very light sleeper.

I woke up when he laid his hand on my leg and squeezed lightly. I came awake and said, Are you testing to see if I am alive? He said yes and I said I wonder why I slept this long. I did not wake up all night. I never sleep 9 hours.

I laid there in wonder and the thought popped in my head and I said I KNOW WHY. Remember last night I was talking to your and taking my pills, you were taking yours and I popped Beau's Gabapentin in and swallowed.
I got all excited thinking I could get my doctor to give me the Gabapentin to use when in pain. Later I read up on the side effects and decided NO... now I lie awake fretting over if Beau is having side effects after 3 years on it. I know it is good for humans because the vet front desk lady told me she takes 3 a day for arthritis and it would be ok to give Beau 3 a day if he needs it. 

We are thankful Beau has done so well for the last 3 years, thankful the pill was ok for me to take, thankful we had others, thankful for a good night's sleep.


Ginny Hartzler said...

So are you going to think about taking it? Several doctors have prescribed it for me, because the main thing it is used for is neuropathy. But I have never taken it due to the side effects.

WFT Nobby said...

Bouncing Bertie took Gabapentin for the last six months of his life. Being a pharmacist's daughter, I always carefully read up about the side effects of any medication that I give my dogs or take myself. I watched anxiously to see if any of the long list of side effects were apparent in Bertie, but never observed any change. He was fine with the Gabapentin tablets.
As I was discussing last night with YAM-aunty, individuals vary hugely in their sensitivity to medication.
Here's wishing you more nine hour sleeps!
Cheers, Gail.

easyweimaraner said...

it works vice versa too, our husky got heart meds from human dcs... so maybe that can be the magic potion?

Ann said...

Wow, 9 straight hours of sleep. I can't remember the last time I did that.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
...and sleep is the best medicine! Beau, ta for letting mum have a dose. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

eileeninmd said...

Wow, there are times I wish I could sleep for 9 hours.
I am glad the pill is ok for humans and dogs.
Beau doesn't mind sharing!
HUGS, have a happy day!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We would say that that long night's sleep was worth its weight in gold!


Millie and Walter said...

Our mom takes a large dose of Gabapentin three times a day and we don't see any change in her. She's been taking that dose for over 8 years now for nerve pain. Our dad now takes it for his restless legs, and it's been a miracle to allow him to sleep through the night too.

DeniseinVA said...

I've never heard of that pill before and glad it worked for a good night's sleep.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Sunny takes 4 Gabapentin a day, and hasn't had any issues...I have taken one of her pills by mistake on more than one occasion
(we take our pills at the same time too), but it didn't have any effect on me.

Mevely317 said...

That black-and-white image of y'all truly looks like something out of a Twilight Zone episode. (I'd ask HOW you did that, but suspect that's above my pay grade.)

I can't remember the last time I slept uninterrupted for 9 hours, but I'm so glad you did. Poor Bob must have been beside himself for a while there. I'm going to ask my PCP when I see her in May about a prescription for Gabapentin. The sciatica in my right leg is very angry with me today.

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW, that was a lot of good thankfuls. Lots of humans take that medicine, it's not unusual.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow, that is some story. I'm glad you were both okay and you had a great night of sleep.

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm glad you got a good night's sleep and am glad you haven't experienced any side effect. Andy has a lot of trouble sleeping so we don't take sleep for granted.

Rose said...

I am glad it caused you no serious problem...I must say I cannot remember the last time I had that much sleep. I feel blessed if I sleep 5 hours straight.

lexitheschnauzer said...

LOL! I've heard of giving dogs people medicine but not giving people dog medicine. But I guess it is made for either. Glad you got such a good night's sleep, but I"m with you on being wary of the side effects. Kinda funny that Bob was checking to see if you were alive!

DeniseinVA said...

Who knew?