Friday, March 1, 2024

Squirrel Tale for nature Friday


Re-enactment by Mama in PicMonkey

Da Mama and I were standing in the dappled sunshine, I was avoiding photos, she was attempting photos, when she said "Beau look at the little squirrel, he is only about 5 inches long. We watched the tiny squirrel rush to the end of the limb at the bottom and screech to a halt, cock his head to the side and stare at the distance between his perch on the limb and the one he wanted. Mama counted to 10 and held her breath while whispering, don't try it, don't try it, its to far. He did a you turn and ran to the trunk, ran up to the next limb and went to the tip and took a flying leap to the other tree.
He made it and Mama told daddy this story and he was sad he did not get to watch it with us.
Mama only had the cell phone in her hand butt that is ok. 
She created the above in PicMonkey, from scratch starting with 
a white box.
a texture of clouds
photo from PM free photos of
2 loblolly pine trees, like ours in the back yard
and photos of small squirrels.
she added a picture of me with my winning face and her PicMonkey expertise which turned into
PHUN for da Mama and we witnessed a circus act of a flying Wallenda Squirrel

Trees for Rosy and Sunny on Nature Friday at 


Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a great re-creation! We have a lot of squirrels here, and I love them. Too many are run over in the streets.

WFT Nobby said...

Well done that squirrel and well done to Mama for constructing such a great picture.
Happy Nature Friday!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Clapping for acrobatics, story telling and artistry! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

easyweimaraner said...

wow!! and you saw all that? we have no squirrels here, they are rare, no idea why... can you send us one if you are there next time?

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,
Your Mama recreated the image perfectly. I am glad she added your cute face too. HUGS, have a great day!

Ann said...

You recreated the scene perfectly. That must have been some amazing flying act.

DeniseinVA said...

That is a great photo mama created. I’m glad the little squirrel made it.

Rose said...

Remind me later to.te y and u the squirel.tale, iij f I haven't as r to.this but no th such a happy result.

My Mind's Eye said...

BOL BOL BEAU a Wallenda Squirrel. That was funny and thank your for you NF today
Hugs Cecilia

Millie and Walter said...

What a fun scene to witness, Beau. We're glad the little squirrel made the leap to the other tree and didn't come crashing to the ground.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We saw a squirrel do that once but he jump and missed. It was a most awful thud on the ground. His buddy came running to check on him. He got up, shook it off and they both ran off to play.

Tigger's Mum said...

Great reconstruction by de Mama there Beau. Those north american squirrels were introduced to UK over 100 years ago and we regard them as pesky. They do that throwing themselves thing across the stream in front of our house -from the oak trees on our side into a hawthorn hedge on the other side. They are nothing if not bold.

Mevely317 said...

Way to go, momma! Our squirrels fascinate with their "Wallenda" ways. More often than not, I hold my breath watching their daredevil ways.

PS - Beau, the expression on your face makes me think you're wishing you could fly with the squirrels.

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Squirrels are crazy. I caught one once!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What fun it must have been to watch the squirrel jump from limb to limb!

We don't think we would have been quite so silent BOL!
Rosy & Sunny

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray for your mom, and you!

lexitheschnauzer said...

OMD, we all thought it was a picture from the phone camera! Do you think you could do me next, and make the hair on the top of my nose long and flowing? (No one knows what happened to make it short and stick uppy.) XOX Xena