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Beau, Saturday morning of 3/16/2024 |
Wed 3/13/2024, at Just after midnight, Beau came to my side of the bed whining, and slapping his head on the bed, which is dog speak for get up and let me out. this happens once in a while, when he eats something that doesn't agree and he eats grass and throws up and goes back to bed.
This time he ate grass and ate grass and paced. He paced and paced and I followed him, for five hours, his stomach was squealing and he could not throw up and I was afraid of bloat. I put my clothes on and told Bob i was taking him to the ER. He said before you do that, lets walk him to the corner and back. the three of us walked slowly for 15 minutes, very slowly and we stepped in the house and he went to the back door and threw up a huge pile of phlegm.
I followed him around the back yard, a new thing I do because he has started eating his own poop.. He was drinking water every hour and had 3 bowls of water in the five hours. He peed and pooped and came in an collapsed on the floor and slept for 3 hours with out moving, then asked for his breakfast, ate that and went back to sleep and slept all day and all night Thursday.
He got up to eat, pee and poop and right back to sleep.
Friday he did the same thing, eat and sleep and do his business and we thought it must have been something he ate.
Saturday morning, at 1:30 am, he woke me up and went out ate grass, threw up the grass and a little phlegm.
He has no pain, sleeps well, eats well, normal. Walks but is much slower.
Saturday early he had mucus skin on his poop ,like a sausage has on it. This is normal once in a while.
We are watching him and his poop and the silly guy that is such a good dog, is learning how to sneak his poop.
To add to them mystery, and might be the problem, I saw him pick something up, grabbed his jaws and pried them open and it was a 2 inch turd, hard as a brick, I got it out of his mouth, with my fingers and then realized it was either possum or coon turd. OV VEY!
I looked it up and him eating that is more dangerous than his own poop and also a danger to us. I wish I had not researched it.
The kicker is, a lady stopped when we were walking and said Beaus sister died last week from cancer. Cancer is of course on the list of 10 thngs that have these symptoms, which has me in a tither. Some of you might remember we met the woman when she stopped and said is that BEAU? did you get him from Manatee Shelter? turned out her sister had Beaus sister. I wanted to scream if you knew he was in a shelter why didn't you get him out.
Beau is insisting I show you St Patrick Day creations from 2022 today because I don't feel like messing with it.
Next step if any of this happens again is of course The Vet.
We are sending a ton of POTP, super fast via expensive air mail, to Beau, and also love and hugs to you and Bob.
Please get well soon Beau, we love you very much.
Nobby (and Gail).
We are sending lots and lots of good wishes for Beau and we would recommend taking him to the vet asap. They can see things we can't and dogs are so good at hiding problems.
Healing Woofs,
All our paws are together for dear Beau (and also for you & Bob) ... please think of a vet visit tomorrow, or even sooner if his behaviors remain like this or certainly if they worsen in any way. It's so hard to really tell/know what may be happening to them, even though we understand there is some distress going on ... he's is always a GOOD boy, you know that better than any of us ... and we know you'll be keeping a watchful eye every moment today, hugs.
My poor boy! I thought when your mama told me about the first time that it was over...I hope you feel better soon...
Sending prayers and well wishes for your sweet Beau.
It may be best to go see the vet.
HUGS for Beau! Take care and I hope to hear good news soon.
Oh sweet darling Beau...I'm so sorry about your tummy issues. Of many things that can affect humans or pets...tummy is in the in the top five that are worrisome mysteries.
Hugs Cecilia
Oh my, Beau, this sounds very worrying. But you have a plan you can act on as soon as possible next time. I'm keeping my paws crossed that you catch anything bad before it gets worse.
A lovely pair of selfies, and such a wonderful, true sentiment.
Hari Om
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕💕🩷💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏POTP x 87 gazzillion hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx
Oh Sandra...(((hugs))) I hope this isn't the start of something...
Glad he is better but I have a feeling you will want to see the vet for your own peace of mind.
Saying a prayer for all of you.
We have our paws crossed that you feel better soon, Beau. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I am so sorry to be reading this. I will be praying for Beau. Do you plan on going to the vet? ((HUGS))
Oh dear boy! (... and dear momma!)
This sounds truly frightening and I'm lifting hard prayers right now.
Momma may be kicking herself for researching (I do the same thing), but this sort of information is critical to finding out what's troubling your tummy.
You're in good hands, sweetheart!
If he does not return to normal by tomorrow, you really should take him to the vet. Is he getting better? Was the hard poop incident before he got sick? If so, that is the likely culprit. So maybe it will pass, in more ways than one. I don't know how on earth you can stop him from eating this. You can go into the yard before he goes out and get rid of all poop that is not his, so that only leaves his own, which should not be as dangerous.
Google how to stop him eating poop, or ask a vet. I bet there are tricks. Like maybe feeding him food that would make him feel bloated. It's worth a shot.
We send Beau purryers and Power of the Paw that th mystery can be solved and he is better soon.
Aw, poor guy. I sure do hope he's feeling better soon and a vet visit isn't needed.
I forgot to saw yuck on the poop eating. Duke used to do that in the winter when it was frozen. I used to yell at him all the time for eating poopcicles.
I'm so sorry! I hope it's not serious, we all love both of you. He is such a sweet pup. ❤️
Sending lots of POTP, and our love your way Beau!!
Rosy & Sunny(and Mama too)
We are crossing all our paws for Beau. Eating something odd can do strange things to the gut. Timber was sick last week and Mom is sure he must have gottenintosomething outside, but has no idea what. It took a few days but he is better now. Please give Beau a snooter smooch from us and lots of comforting pats.
Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
Oh Beau, I'm sorry you aren't feeling well pal and I also think you should see your Vet soon, real soon. Hugs sweet boy.
sending prayers to sweet Beau. so sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope you’re feeling better soon! ♥️hugs!
Beau I felt my chest go tight like when Mr T was ill. And it sort of tries to rise up and choke me... I have read a more recent post that says you have recovered (and I am working back through posts I had missed); so I am really glad that you recovered before I got to the bad news. You know, I hope, that all the blogger furfriends are in my thoughts daily and around us all the time. lots of love and give a hug to your humans for us (F)
Oh wow, you poor Beau you. So glad you've got mama to take care of you and as I read your latest post, I know you are feeling better. Jumping for joy here as I am sure your mama is.
That's scary stuff! So sorry you've been feeling poorly and glad to know you are well again (several posts ahead of this one).
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