Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sneaky Sunday Selfie

Mama is sitting in her chair, trying to sneak a photo of a dog named Beau, that always says No!

 Mama Ask her Bing CoPilot to write a country song about a dog named Beau who always said no to having his photo taken.  Not Bad!

A Dog named Beau
(Bridge) Beau’s got stories etched in every scar, From barbed wire fences to raccoon wars. His loyalty’s fierce, his spirit untamed, But selfies? Nah, that ain’t his game.

(Chorus) He says, “No, no Kodak moments for me, I ain’t posin’ pretty, don’t you see? I’d rather chase squirrels, roll in the mud, Than strike a pose for your Instagram flood.”

(Outro) So here’s to Beau, the rebel dog we know, Who’d rather be wild than strike a pose. He’ll bark at the moon, run through the dew, And leave us wonderin’, “Who’s trainin’ who?”

Sneaky Selfie by Chromebook Camera, I never knew she took it until now


Ginny Hartzler said...

This A.I. country song is amazing and unbelievable!!!!

Ann said...

Love that country song. It's perfect. AI did an excellent job.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,

I like the cute song! I do not think you are a rebel dog though, you are too sweet.

HUGS, have a happy day!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Tee Hee.... Great job! We love you, Beau!

The Chans

Millie and Walter said...

Your country song is pretty good. Now you need to find someone that can put it to music. We think your mom did a great job sneaking that selfie of you, too.

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau looks like you just decided to let Mama be the madsnapper that she is and I thank you
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was a good tune and a wonderful sneaky selfie sweet Beau!

Mevely317 said...

Hurrah! I thought this was going to be something along the lines of "Let me tell you a story 'bout a man named Jed, a poor mountaineer hardly kept his family fed ...."

This one, however, is lots better! Let's find someone who can put it to music.

Kten said...

Your song is perfect and we think Grammy worthy. Lee and Phod who only have the really stupid bad songs Lady makes up about them

DeniseinVA said...

Love it, Nashville here you go :)

CheerfulMonk said...

I burst out laughing at the "Who's trainin' who?"

Rose said...

What a great song!

Tigger's Mum said...

Who are you going to get to write the music for it Beau?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was cute. Good job!