Saturday, January 27, 2024


Do you ever feel like someone is following you and like you are being stared at?  I do, all the time. 

Seems someone got their fingers in the wrong place on the cell phone. ha ha ha

Photo by Stephen Kessel, Sonoran Images,

We had a busy week in our back yard. You may have seen the prior post photos of me wandering around sniffing, with the mama following. Mama saw my head come up and ears go forward, and I froze in place. She came to see what I saw and it was a fledgling Mourning Dove, 4 feet from my nose. Mama  petted me and told me how good I am because I did not bother it. We stood and watched to see if it could move. Mama was afraid it could not fly. but while I watched she slowly walked towards it and it flew up and over the fence. We have seen it twice. she found info here if you want to read it, which is where the photo is from.

Per the article the little guy is a fledgling. This little dove is about 2/3 the size of an adult bird and almost indescribably cute.  Its most prominent feature is its huge eyes, much larger in proportion to its body than are the eyes of an adult.

We also had to shoo shoo shoo the ducks out of the pool and Mama laughed and laughed so hard she could hardly shooo shooo shooo because they waddled in a line and when they reached the gate they flew up and over.


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a cutie the little fledgling is, and what a good boy you are!! We have a lot of Mourning doves here, and like listening to their soft coos.

Ann said...

Your moms fingers were not in the way. She was creating a frame for the picture :)
Cute fledgling. I've always liked mourning doves. Love the ducks walking in a row.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Well, Beau, you sure do have some interesting visitors!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

DeniseinVA said...

I thought that first photo was a very artsy shot. You are such a good boy Beau. I don’t remember ever seeing a fledgling dove. The story of the ducks had me smiling.

Jo said...

Wow Beau, what interesting visitors you had. I also loved the ducks walking in a line to the gate.

Rose said...

Your backyard was a busy place!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,
You are such a good dog. The dove is so sweet, I am glad it was ok.
It is funny watching the ducks waddling away.
HUGS, have a happy day!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Beau...what a cute little dove I hope the swam of honey bees are slowly leaving your back yard
Hugs Cecilia

Millie and Walter said...

You are such a good boy to not bother that young bird, Beau. Wouldn't it be fun to have ducks living in your pool? BOL!

Mevely317 said...

Thank you, dear Beau, for alerting momma to the fledgling dove! I held my breath for a nano-second until you wrote that it flew off safely.

Is there anything cuter than waddling ducks? I don't think so!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sweet of you Beau to be kind to the fledgling. That is really cute about shooing the ducks out of the yard.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a sweet boy you are Beau and you were very kind to that sweet Beau.

CheerfulMonk said...

You are such a sweet, beautiful boy!!

lexitheschnauzer said...

It's been bird week for you. And if it had been Angel Lexi, she'd of had that little bird and run with it with Mom chasing her, yelling at her to stop and drop it. But it would have died. How do we know? Cause that happened once. Now we know not to do that, but I think maybe I still might not be able to help myself (although I'm much more sensitive that Angel Lexi and even closed a dead squirrel's eyes once--with my nose.) XOXOX Xena