Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Coffee - A Haiku


Mama and I have no idea what or how to do  a Haiku Poem. She sees them on other blogs. She typed in definition Haiku and decided why hurt her brain, they offered several choices of sites that do it for you. 

Mama found this cool, Haiku poem Generator, it is in the UK and you can find it HERE She was asked for key words and 

Coffee - A Haiku

by MadSnapper

Chilled break of the day

A turkish, large coffee walks

at the perfect dog

************************WE MADE CHANGES************************

Coffee - A Haiku

by MadSnapper

Chilled break of the day

Da Mama, with a large coffee walks

 the perfect dog

To Be or Not To Be A Haiku

Since this was fun, Mama said Why Not Try the Limerick by describing Beau

We tried a limerick... tried is the clue word.

A Man Called Beau

A Limerick by Anonymous

There once was a old man called beau.

He said, "See the great ratio!"

It was rather first,

But not very pursed,

He just couldn't say no to the dough.

Poem-Generator even gave us Comments.


Auto Praise for A Man Called Beau

"Wow! The rhyming structure is incredible. 'beau'/'ratio'/'dough' - how does Anonymous come up with this stuff?"

- The Daily Tale

"I thought Limericks were supposed to be funny. I slept. Then I dreamt that I was asleep."

- Enid Kibbler

"Frankly, who can't say no to the dough? Flawless poetry. The earth moved for me. I just wish Limericks were longer."

- Hit the Spoof


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, this is the coolest website, and it will create all kinds of poems! I must return! My favorite is the Haiku that you modified. The reviews are a real kick!

easyweimaraner said...

ooh how great!!! and there is even a dog included... fab!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
The art of haiku
Worries not any canine
Morning drink consumed

Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Beau
Thank your Mama for the link to the poem site.
I like the changed Haiku by your Mama and the image "do what your love".
BTW, you are the perfect dog.
HUGS, have a happy day!

WFT Nobby said...

Reading this post, we are suddenly less worried that AI has the capacity for world domination...

Zoolatry said...

hot wakeup coffee
then out to walk the Beau dog
together we go


Brian's Home Blog said...

Well, it did get the "perfect dog" part right Beau!

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau your version of the Haiku is my favorite
Hugs Cecilia

Millie and Walter said...

Great work by your mom and AI for both those poems.

Ojo said...

Hi hi hi! Ojo here! The perfect Dog indeed! That's the best line!

Sandee said...

You did a better job. You are walking the perfect dog.

Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. Scritches to Beau. ♥

Ann said...

Well how fun is that. I can't believe it even left you comments on your limerick

CheerfulMonk said...

I love your version!

Mevely317 said...

You did good! There was a time I used to try and play ... but that was then (when I cared). Life's too short, right? We love you just the way you are, dearest Beau!

Rose said...

The comments made me laugh....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those comments are interesting. You sure do have fun playing around with these apps. You do a good job with limericks.