Tuesday, December 26, 2023

My Time In The Sun

It was December 19, and I was laying by our Florida Fireplace. 
The weather outside was delightful, 
the temperatures were frightful. 
Inside our kitchen, it was warm and cozy,
and today is the day after Christmas, the drizzles of rain are falling, 
no sun for me to lie in. We need rain, and the mild temps mean we don't need heat or AC, so mama is happy. She was not happy yesterday.
We had a crazy Christmas, because we woke up and Mama had no internet, none, nada.
but the Spectrum guy saved us, our joy was restored at 10:45 when Spectrum came and gave us back our internet. Mama was shocked they came on Christmas day, and the thing is, this man did not care for dogs, he did say that's a pretty dog, I did not tell him I am handsome, not pretty.
Not everyone can love me, but I just don't get WHY!
I also don't get why mama is so addicted to the internet!
She said It is what is, Sweet Beau. She said to tell you she may or may not post on her blog today.


Rose said...

That guy missed out on a lot of joy when he did not like dogs...specially you. I feel sorry for him.

Ann said...

I feel bad for the guy who had to work on Christmas day but happy that he did so your mom didn't have to go too long without internet. I'm hooked on it too and would be lost without it.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,

Yes, you are very handsome! It is a shame the worker was not a dog lover.
I am happy for your Mama and her internet is working. HUGS, have a happy day!

Zoolatry said...

We're always thankful for the many, many people who give up a holiday with their families to "go to work" so that others of us can have what we need ~ be they in the medical profession, emergency workers such as fire and police, or even the one who restored your internet instead of leaving you without all day! It's a gift they all give to the rest of us. And we must always remember that there are MANY who for reasons we can never know are simply not comfortable around dogs, or cats and that should be respected, not looked down upon.

Zoolatry said...

Ann here ~ my apologies about the comment above, which I am just realizing sounds very "preach-y" and more! Not what I intended at all. Though I do stand by my thanks to the many who spend Christmas and other holidays working, often to our personal benefit ...

It is the part about the dogs & cats that came out poorly, I'm sorry. As pet bloggers we love our pets, unconditionally, and the pets of our friends, even our virtual friends. I just know many, in my own life, that have had difficult or unpleasant experiences around animals in so many different ways (mild attacks, the loss of a pet, allergic reactions, other events) that a fear or a hesitancy has grown within them ... hard to explain sometimes, but again, to be respected. So I do apologize, as I didn't want to offend anyone who had already commented or would be thinking of commenting ...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
As you say, Beau, not everyone can love, but you have lots that do and that's grand! So is the fact that you were able to get something fixed on a holiday. Yay for that man! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Millie and Walter said...

We're glad your internet was restored, even on Christmas day! It's too bad that Spectrum guy wasn't interested in meeting you, Beau, but we understand that not everyone enjoys all the love you (or we) give.

DeniseinVA said...

Good for the man to come out on Christmas Day. Glad Mama got her Internet back. I think you may have turned the man into a dog fan!

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau have I told you lately how gorgeous and handsome and sweet you are?!
If not, consider yourself TOLD
Hugs Cecilia

Sandee said...

I feel the same way about the Internet as your mom does. It is what it is, Beau.

Have a woof woof day, handsome Beau. My best to your mom. ♥

Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure love you Beau and we all know you're totally handsome!

Mevely317 said...

Shame on that Spectrum tech. Pretty boy? Harrumph on him. Don't you hate having to be nice to someone just because you need them?
You're a GOOD boy, Beau.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about the weather outside. The heat from the sun is the best thing. Glad the internet got fixed. Hope you had a Merry Christmas.

CheerfulMonk said...

That's too bad he wasn't a dog lover, but bless him for coming on Christmas Day to rescue your mom! He saved the day. ❤️

Tigger's Mum said...

Not your fault Beau, but some people (and cats) have had unhappy experiences with dogs that hadn't had good manners explained to them by their humans. Blame other humans but that is how it is sometimes. Mr B's Dad didn't like having dogs climbing over him all day but no one treated his space as being equally important to that of the dogs' freedoms. At least the service man didn't refuse to go into your house.