Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Not My Fault!

Beau, look at me, baby, listen to what I say.
Dang! Mama! it is not my fault you keep getting your shadow in the way.
I listened and looked this way and that way, as there I lay.
Here is what I have to say,
Mama you know I am busy, so away you must STAY!

I gave her my best glare or maybe its a stare!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Nope. No glare, no stare. You always look gentle and put-upon.

WFT Nobby said...

Beau, if you moved in Scotland, you would not nearly so often have the shadow problem.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
That looks like a nommy bone... shame you can't eat it in peace! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

Oh Beau, you did try and look at her didn't you. I see that you tried every direction. What a good boy you are.

Tigger's Mum said...

Do a Tigger - 3 and a half seconds of good shot and 'that's it, you missed your chance'. Mama would have to learn to catch the perfect shot really quickly and let you get back to business.

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau no matter how you look or don't look you are always handsome
Hugs Cecilia

Sandee said...

It doesn't matter what you do, Beau, she's going to have that camera in your sweet face. She does it for us.

Have a woof woof day and rest of the week, Beau. My best to your mom. ♥

ZOOLATRY said...

He who holds the bone, rules the yard.
Back off, woman.

Millie and Walter said...

It's too bad you can't chew on your bone in peace isn't it, Beau. BOL!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

It's tough being so handsome!
Rosy & Sunny

Inger said...

You know there's no escaping mama when she gets going with her camera. I hope she left you in peace with your bone after she took the pictures.

Inger said...

Or gave you a treat for putting up with her bothering you. That would be the best, I think.

Mevely317 said...

Oh woe ... being handsome is such a burden!
Love you, Beau!

lexitheschnauzer said...

Even after fighting her shadow and you're not wanting your picture made, your Mama still ended up with a really pretty picture of you, Beau. And some good rhymes, too! You're a sweet boy and we all love you!!! XOXOXO Chia, Lucy, and Xena

Brian's Home Blog said...

Did she get the message sweet Beau!?!?

CheerfulMonk said...

I love that your mom shares pictures of you with us, but I have to laugh at your idea of "Stay, Mom, Stay!" 😊

eileeninmd said...

Cute photos , I like the shadow shots too.
Have a happy day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

LOL! Those are some really great photos.