Friday, November 17, 2023

Nature Friday with Beau and Mama


Mama was inside, I was outside, same old story! I looked this way and that way and ended up 
looking in the door again. 
 this is NOT the story today!

One day last week, Mama decided she was tired of waiting for it to get daylight and if we went before daylight, she could avoid the dang dog next door. We left at 7 instead of 7:10. It was dark, not dark-dark, we could see with streetlights.
She was also trying to avoid the 7:15 rush of people going to work. She has been walking me the safe-from-traffic street and I don't love it as much as the traffic-way. She let me make my favorite turn, the one that makes me happy, the one city block where we walk in the street and jump on the curb when the cars come flying by. I do a lot of the STAY position while they pass.

We got to the safe sidewalk, and we heard dogs barking. Lots of barking. the street we started down every dog both inside and outside was barking.

 Mama stopped; she said I think we better go back; something is not right. They never bark like that.I had no idea all those dogs live on that street; we never hear them or see them. 

WE Heard Them!
I stood my ears UP! they went Forward, my head was on alert, by tale went Stiff. Mama sucked in her breath, and we turned back the other way, we walked as quickly as Rudolph driving his Sleigh.

A coyote howled, then another, the dog barking went WILD, a 3rd voice joined the howls! Ahoooooooooooooh Ahooooooooooooooooooooooh. Ahoooooooooooo!

 I had no idea Mama could walk that fast, she was walking me like we were being chased. 
No, we never saw them, and we are thankful the barking dogs told us they were there.

We do have to say, 3 coyotes baying is beautiful harmony by nature..

Hi Rosy, does Coyote Howling count for Nature Friday? Here is your Rosy, Rose!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes, what a close call! Do you think they might have actually come up to you? They must be out at night, and not have left yet. Seems like there is always something, no matter what time you walk!

Tigger's Mum said...

Sounds like you have the ultimate assault course challenge just going out for a walk in the morning. It also sounds like your home town is built for the car not for creatures that use feet and legs to move about - I mean 'no footpaths on some streets?'. Cars are fun, but they can be a bitt too attention demanding don't you think? (Like small children who think everything revolves around them, and everything has to give way to their wants.) OK cars don't think, but the way people think is easily engineered by controlling them through their cars.

As for coyotes, they are never going to respect roads or footpaths - good thing your alert system was working in that street.

Cheerful Monk said...

Wow! How scary!

easyweimaraner said...

so sile e. coyote was there? no wonder that your mam turned into da road runner... stay safe ...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
My word, that was very perceptive of you both to stop and retreat! Thank goodness for the "urban telegraph", eh? Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

Oh my, that would have been scary. I'm glad you both made it back home safely

WFT Nobby said...

Well Beau, living in a coyote-free country, I have never heard them howling, and Gail wonders if I would recognise the sound, and how I would react. But she says she is rather thankful that it's unlikely she'll ever find out.
We think your post definitely qualifies for Nature Friday.

eileeninmd said...

Wow Beau, that sounds very scary. I have only heard the coyotes howling in Yellowstone Nat'l Park, from a distance. I would not want to meet up with the coyote in my neighborhood. HUGS, have a happy day!

DeniseinVA said...

Glad Mama got you out of there. We had a coyote come up on our deck a long time ago but thankfully I haven’t seen or heard of a sighting in quite a while. The sound of coyotes howling must have been eerie in the dark, but kind of beautiful.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my word Beau....baying Coyotes would have me breaking the sound barrier to get home. Nature for sure. Wow
Hugs Cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Of course it counts! The wildlife here is also getting very outgoing...Daddy and I saw RACCOONS on our walk last night and Daddy sees the coyotes almost every morning.

Thanks for my beautiful Rosy Rose Beau!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

No wonder they were barking. Thank God you got home before you saw one. I guess going out so early isn't that good.

Millie and Walter said...

Your mom is very smart to listen to all the dogs in the area telling her something was up. We have coyotes around us, but we live in the country where it's expected. Good thing you and your mom turned around and made it home safe and sound.

Mevely317 said...

Oh wow, Beau, this gave me goosebumps all over!
Folks report hearing them around here, but nobody admits to being outside .. much less with their dogs. Someone even posted a photo of a coyote perched atop a 6' chain link fence.

I know wolves are different (don't ask me exactly how!), but I thought you might like this piece I shared on my blog back in 2010.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That does sound pretty scary Beau and hooray for your Mama getting you outta Dodge in a hurry!

Rose said...

I have only hear coyotes a time or two...