Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Cats and Dog Do Tell Time


Creation by Mama and Bing Creator

Mama says I have an atomic clock in my brain. 
After The Recent Time Change
Normal Wake Mama Up time is 3:15, yes, I eat that early. 
for 3 days at exactly 2:15 I appeared at the side of the bed whispering Mama, its 3:15, get up, I want my breakfast.

At ALL 3 meals, I start TALKING an hour before my Time to Eat... She has been an hour late for all my routines. ALL.OF.THEM.

She is retraining me by making me WAIT until HER clock says its TIME. Woo,WOOOOO on that!

The good news is, I am retrained and back on my schedule! I am so smart. I know this because she told me.

She finds it strange that when Daddy leaves for the YMCA, he leaves at 5:40 back at 6:50

 10 minutes before time for him to come home, I get up and go lay at the door. I don't go by The Clock, theirs or mine. I go by how much time he has been gone. How does that work? 

When Mama shops for food, I do the same thing, 10 minutes before I come home, he waits by the door.

Do Dogs Have a Sense of Time Research Shows..  Yes they do but not like humans. Cats have the same thing though they are not mentioned. Or so I am told by all my Cat Friends.

THE rest of this is copied from the above article

.... our furry friends do have an internal clock. That internal clock connects to their circadian rhythm, so they grasp the time of day and know when to sleep and get up. 

It also starts ticking when he or she is waiting. Have you ever seen an impatient pooch? Those dramatic sighs or paws (and head) in your lap are clear cues that they’re waiting on you. 

It turns out those “timing cells” are neurons in the part of your dog’s brain that’s called the medial entorhinal cortex. This part of the brain is responsible for navigation and memory. Scientists also think it could relate to your best friend’s concept of time. 

Hence when your dog starts getting anxious about dinnertime or walkies because you’re late, those same neurons start firing and your dog might pace, whine, swish the tail or show other signs of impatience through their dog behavior. 

And, you know dogs don’t understand the concept of five minutes.  (really??)

What they understand are routines. Mama says now she knows I have a clock and a timer. The clock lets me know when to pester my parents, the timer is something I set, and it ticks down until almost time for Daddy to return and then I start the Waiting. 

MAMA HERE! Dear Government, we want the time changes to STOP! you are interrupted routines of billions of dogs and cats and in turn they are interrupting human's routines.

STOP THE SILLY TIME CHANGES! per the NEWS CHANNEL, 83 % of humans want the changes to stop. Are we in a democracy or what?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, no more time changes! It also causes car crashes and depression. I know of dogs who know just when the school bus is bringing the kids home and are there waiting. Of course, they can tell time! Cats, too. But they just don't care.

WFT Nobby said...

If I am late returning from my Thursday bike ride, i.e. back after 2:30 pm, Nobby will be sitting on the back of the sofa looking out of the front window for me. If I'm on time or earlier, I find him still curled up in his favourite chair.
Cheers, Gail.

easyweimaraner said...

we have a kind of atome-clock... and therefore we have a nuclear meltdown after the time change... we think we need 6 months till we are fine with the time... and then... we change it... uaaah...

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Beau

You are so smart, it is interesting you have such a great sense of time.
I want to time change to stop too.
HUGS, have a happy day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yup... my Angels, Jade (and Jasper when he deigned to notice), were the best timekeepers in my household!

Beau, tell Mum that when pasting from another source, use Ctrl+SHIFT+v... then the formatting will fit your page with colour and typography. Just so's to look nice and all... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Rose said...

Dogs have more than timers or clocks...Sarah went on vacation to Florida two or three years...Keesha, her dog acted normal the whole time...but come the day Sarah was getting home, she would sit outside and just stare down the road.

I think it was 60 minutes did a thing on dogs...they set up a camera to watch several dogs and sent their person away...I think one walked, others drove...the dogs laid around. The person doing the study then called the people, or maybe they set up a time for them to turn around and head home...when they turned around to head home, the dogs all got up and started watching out the window.

Millie and Walter said...

Walter is the keeper of the clock in our house. Millie might have an internal clock but she either doesn't care or just knows Walter will do the job of reminding our parents of when it's time to eat (ours or theirs) so she doesn't have to bother.

DeniseinVA said...

You are such a smart dog but then I know that from all these great posts your Mama makes.

My Mind's Eye said...

I want the time change to stop too powers that be pick on I don't care which...just stop messin' with this old gal's internal clock
Respectfully submitted

Sandee said...

They do have clocks. Our Angel Little Bit always knew when it was time to eat or go for a walk. Our new kitty know it's gets Fancy Feast at 4 am and then again at 4 pm. She's always there waiting.

Have a woof woof day, Beau. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We do the same thing for dinner AND evening treat time. This year the time change was rougher on Mama than it was for us!
Rosy & Sunny

Mevely317 said...

I believe all of this is fascinating. 100 years ago, before all this was talked about, my parents had a little dog who'd get up from his bed at 11:45 every night and go wait at the back door for my father to come home.
Not as quickly as you've adapted, dear Beau, but my girls are finally coming around to the time change. We're compromising by meeting in the middle.

CheerfulMonk said...

Just one of the many awesome things pups can do. 😊

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh yea, the kitties are sure darn good at telling time too Beau!

Ann said...

I've always believed that dogs and cats could tell time. Look at all the ones who will go wait for school buses.

lexitheschnauzer said...

Everyone dog and person in this house agrees. Stop changing the time!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Never thought about the time change and Beau wanting to eat so early. Skye was on self feeding. Glad he is back on his regular schedule. That is very interesting about him knowing that daddy should be coming home.