Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Vet Visit


I asked mama to find a photo that would describe how I felt, when we got back from the vet visit yesterday. She said how do you feel, I will find the perfect photo and add you to it.  I said, Mama I feel kind of dizzy, like my world has spun out of control. She said I just happen to have a crazy photo that I took and have no idea what happened.   It is a picture of Christmas trees. 

she hit the Jack Pot! I felt all in a whirl because at the Vet Office, the Doc was the same but everyone in the office is gone, replaced by STRANGERS. The girls that took my blood, could not get it to come out, they stuck me 87 times.  No, Beau, it was only 5 times, ... The lady who checks us in and takes all mamas money is gone, even the doctor's wife is gone. 

The new girls almost dropped me, they almost let me slide off the table and Mama got up to nuzzle my head because I was scared. I love the vet I love all the people, butt these people were not only strangers, but strange.

The vet said whatever you are doing for Beau, keep doing it, he is fine and lost 4 pounds. He said Beau is always such a good boy. We think he was embarrassed at how his new staff worked. 

When we got in the car, Mama said, I think his wife left him and took all the people with her. We need to find out where they went and follow them. Daddy said it looks to me like, he is saving money by hiring people who are in TRAINING. and they need a lot more training.

the thing is, 4 weeks ago, they were all there, when Mama picked up my meds. 

OOPS! did you think I forgot to report on my health? 

I AM FINE... More than fine

Mama is hurting, oops, her bank account is hurting, not her. 359.00  all is well, now we wait a week for results of the 169.00 CBC blood test.... 

PS as we drove away from the stranger in the strange office, Daddy said so what is the final bill? mama told him, I am not allowed to say what he said.  Mama said don't worry about it, I added up all Beaus Food and Meds and Vet bills for a year and we only spend about 150 a month on him and he is worth MILLIONS... so what is MILLIONS?

Of we disapear its because mama is going to search the public records to see if the doctor got a divorce, or if aliens came and zapped all his staff members up into the stars or planets. She asked the lady at the desk if Shea was gone and she said yes. She did not say her name. Mama new this because she called for meds and got a new person and picked up meds from new person... its a mystery.


CheerfulMonk said...

That is weird about all the changes. I would love to know what happened too. But the main thing is you are fine! Thanks for letting us know. ❤️

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a mystery! Knowing Mama, I am surprised that she did not ask everyone there, including the vet, what happened? I bet he would have told her. What is so strange is that they are all gone, but he is still there! GREAT news about my favorite dog!

DeniseinVA said...

That’s so strange about all the strangers. I feel for you, I don’t like change either. It will be interesting what Mama finds out. Vet bills are out of sight but Mama knows you are golden.

DeniseinVA said...

So glad you are doing great!

Tigger's Mum said...

Tell Mama that in Greece F had to be Mr T's vet nurse and hold him on the xray machine and everything. The vet was the only person there - she did reception and vetting and cleaning and everything.

WFT Nobby said...

Well Beau, the good news is that you are doing GREAT. Definitely worth 87 millions of dollars a month. (Easy to say when we're not the ones paying...)

easyweimaraner said...

maybe there were that leprechauns who staff-napped the people and placed counterfeit staff? if, then you can pay with counterfeit moneeh too... ;O) dear beau, we are glad you got good news from the vet... at least that was not strange ...

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Firstly, we are very glad that the doctor found you to be in good shape, Beau, and we hope the blood test results will confirm it. As for the disappearances, it does sound like an alien abduction. Did you take a really close at the doctor?

The Chans

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Sounds like early Halloween to me... but the main thing here is you got the clean bill of health (while mum and dad just to a bill)... Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

How odd that there were so many staff changes at the vets office. I called the one here to make an appointment for Gibbs for grooming and they told me their groomer left in July. Bummer.
Glad to hear you got a clean bill of health Beau.

Rose said...

I am glad that you survived all that without injury! Be sure and let us know what your mama finds out about all the people change at the vet's office. Sounds like it was almost a circus there.

Millie and Walter said...

We're glad to hear you are doing well and hope your mom figures out the mystery of the missing people.

Mevely317 said...

So glad you got straight A's from the vet, Beau. Not so much that those girls nearly dropped you.

Don't you hate loose ends? I'm that way about my favorite dental hygienist; the answer her replacement gave me sounded fishy. I hope momma has some luck researching and you'll let us know!

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau yay for you!! Of course you are purrfect.
As I said on MS yes the world is crazy and boy oh boy getting crazier
Hugs Cecilia

photowannabe said...

Beau I'm so glad you got through the ordeal with flying colors. I do hope all those "Strange" humans won't be so strange the next appointment you go to.
Congratulations on your weight loss too. Wish I could do that well.

Sandee said...

I'm glad your vet visit results are so very good. That's great news, Beau. Sorry about all the strange people that needs lots of training.

Have a woof woof day, Beau. My best to your mom. ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm glad the doctor is still there but it's not the same when all the helpers you knew are gone. I'm so glad to hear that the vet said your Mama is doing a great job with you.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

That is a mystery Beau. We are SO HAPPY you got a good report from the vet BUT, we are sad you were scared....

Mama says our Vet bill was very similar for Jakey's annual visits the last few years.It's amazing how expensive blood work is! We think they should pay us because our blood is so very special!
Rosy and Sunny

Linda said...

I am so happy you are okay!! Your mama will get to the bottom of what's happening in that office before it's over with! This I KNOW!!!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

How bizzare to have all the staff changed except for the vet. Hmmm. And that bill, whoa! Our patest bill was about the same for TWO of us. And yes, we know petcretary spends her hard earned fortunes for our medicines and noms...maybe that is why she still works?

Glad you are deemed healthy and that the only the vet office sent you into a spin, and that in truth, you are not dizzy.

Betty Manousos said...

first off, I’m so glad you’re doing great! how strange! what a mystery indeed. what happened? I do hope your mom figures out the mystery of missing people. smooches! 🐶

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,
I am glad you had a great checkup and are doing well.
It is strange to see all new workers at the vet office.
I get poked a few time when I have to have blood drawn too.
HUGS, have a happy day!

lexitheschnauzer said...

Sounds like alien abduction to us. Especially having to try 5 times to find a vein. That is criminal. THey should be put in alien jail. we hope after all that, your BW is OK, or even better, it shows why you have had a sudden poopie snack urge and is something easily fixable. Your friends, Lucy, Xena, Chia and Riley