Sunday, October 29, 2023

Scary things under the Banyan Tree


We see this yard every day on our daily walk. Mama said Beau, there are scary things under the Banyan tree.
 This is my scared look! How did I do?
I like this house because the nice lady put her 2 human kids in the car each day and they say
OOOHHH Mama, look at the Big Dog. They like me but the Mama acts scared of me.


CheerfulMonk said...


Ann said...

You did an excellent job of looking scared Beau. There are scary things there. Looks like they are all ready for Halloween.

WFT Nobby said...

Well I don't know about scared, Beau, but you're definitely not looking entirely happy!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
That's the perfect setting for all that spookiness! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

To be honest, Beau, e're glad that Halloween will be over soon. It's not an event that we enjoy much.


eileeninmd said...

Happy Halloween Beau,
They are fun and scary decorations. You do not need to look too scary.
HUGS, have a happy day!

Millie and Walter said...

We know you aren't really scared, Beau. Those are fun decorations and what a cool tree that is.

My Mind's Eye said...

The banyan tree is quite pretty in daylight but OMDs at night it takes on another life.
Hugs Cecilia

Inger said...

I've never seen a tree like that, you have so many interesting things growing where you live, Beau. Back to the scary stuff, I know that you are acting scared so your mama can get a good picture. I bet you are a very brave boy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am thinking the Skelton in the swing is REAL. But Mama's creations also look so real that it is hard to tell! Your scared look is sad, Beau. Cheer up, I think there are NO dog ghosts. WAIT, with more looks I am now thinking that the other things under the tree are REAL.I had thought Mama created them all except the skeleton, but now I think they are all real.

Mevely317 said...

I'd be a little skeered, too, dear Beau!
... on the other hand, part of me wants to knock that skeleton to the curb and swing myself.

Brian's Home Blog said...

You look plenty ready for Spooky Cool Season sweet Beau!

Kten said...

Why are people insisting on putting the scary things everywhere? They don't even smell that good. Lee and Phod

Rose said...

I love the banyan tree! You need one of your own, Beau!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You did good Beau. I really should have taken photos of the front of Adam's house and inside. It's unbelievable. Maybe if it is still up on Wednesday night when we babysit I will take a photo.They have a skeleton like that and then a nice size dog outside and lots more.

lexitheschnauzer said...

The skeleton on the swing looks fun. We think if the kid's Mom is scared of you, she may pass that down to her pups - er, kids. Hope not!