Saturday, September 23, 2023

Rollin Rollin rollin


Rollin', rollin', rollin'
Keep movin', movin', movin'
Though they're disapprovin'
Keep them dogies movin'
Hah! Hah! Hah!

Today is the last day of Adopt a less adoptable pet week!

In the photos above, I may look like a less adoptable dog! Butt I am not. I was 7 when I came to my mama and daddy and in 21 days will be my 3rd Gotcha Day the very next day I will be 10 years old.
I brought love, I brought laughter, I brought LIFE! some would say I was less adoptable because I was a Senior Dog! I am # 3 Senior Dog in our house.

Less Adoptable cats and dogs, could be Age, Color, Disabilities or LOOKS.
Did you know people do not want to adopt black dogs or cats? 

When Mama and Daddy adopted Big Boy, no one wanted him, he was Black, he was wounded from being attacked, he did not LOOK sweet, and was 7 years old. Big was the sweetest boy on the planet, of course now I hold that title.
I found a site that has almost the same name as my blog, HERE if you go there, it will tell you why you should adopt less adoptable pets.
The love you more for saving them.
You can pick the personality that fits yours.
You can pick the size too. It's easier to match yourself to a dog or cat. 
No one knows what a puppy will be like or even look like.

Big Boy, Jake, Baby, Cooper, Max

Beau is in the header and in the first photo. Shelter dog twice, adopted and given away and that is how we got him.
Jake was a street dog stray.
Baby was Shelter, 3 times in the same shelter.
Cooper, in shelter for two years before we adopted him at age 7 
Max, never in a shelter, we saved him from the neighbor's puppies because they were not good parents.
Beau loves cats and I do too, but I need one that doesn't walk on me when I am asleep. 
SAVE A Dog or Cat! They are waiting for YOU to give a loving home to a shelter animal. 
If you prefer a certain breed, there are many, many of all breeds that need rescuing


Ginny Hartzler said...

Our Sim was a senior when we adopted him, Beau. And we are so glad we did!

DeniseinVA said...

I loved reading this, what a great message to the world.

Tigger's Mum said...

How I wish we could, but we have resolved to adopt a rescue dog when we move to NZ. Cats are more my thing but we aren't allowed to have cats in many reserved parts of NZ because of the threat they pose to endangered native birds.

Rose said...

I am so glad you and your parents found each other...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Bravo!!! Excellent post today, Beau and mum... adopt don't shop!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Beau

Your Mama and Daddy are wonderful humans for adopting their pets.
You and all the previous doggies are so lucky to be adopted into such a loving home. Thanks for sharing this message. HUGS, have a happy day!

Ann said...

You are one lucky dog to have been adopted by great pawrents.

ZOOLATRY said...

... for having adopted, cared for, cherished and loved so very many truly wonderful dogs over so many years ...
... how much better the world would be if others would do as you have done ...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

All of the pets your parents have owned were very blessed to have been adopted. You are one lucky dog Beau.

Millie and Walter said...

You are so cute rolling around on your back, Beau. We like to do that too.

Mevely317 said...

Beau, now your momma's got me singing that song. Good times!
Please tell her 'thank you' for sharing such a critical message. It's too late for us b/c we have our hands-full with Macie and Grace -- but cross fingers Troy and Lois are about to start shelter shopping.

My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY WORD this is absolutely beautiful.
My furry nephews Mom and I were just talking about all our precious babies thru the years and how they enhanced our lives
Hugs Cecilia

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your Mom and Dad are Angels on Earth Beau and we're so happy they bring the happy to those who need it the most!

CheerfulMonk said...

Bless you both! ❤️

lexitheschnauzer said...

Hoping lots of dogs and cats and lizards and bunnies and whoever needs a home got adopted and continue to get adopted! I had a little adoptable dog come to me for the first time on Sunday, and I promise you, I would have kept this precious baby if I didn't already have 4! Agh! I think I need spayed!