Saturday, January 8, 2022

Better Than a Thrift Shop


Hi, Mama said to tell you about our Better than a thrift shop finds, sitting on the curb on one of our mornings walks the first week of December.   As we walked, she guided dragged me to the other side of the road. She knows I like walking between her and the curb so I can smell things.

I thought what up with mama.  She headed to a stack of junk sitting on the curb. the people are moving. See the brown chair to the left?  There were 3 of those and they had 3 of these pretty cushions on them, well there was one on each chair, not 3. you know what I mean.

She stood staring and then I tugged her away and we walked our walk and on the way home she walked faster and faster. 

She opened the door, grabbed her keys, slammed the door and left me in my harness in the middle of the living room floor.  We heard the car leave the garage.

 Daddy stared at me like What is Up Beau?   I shrugged my shoulders in a I don't have a clue.

5 Minutes later she comes in the door, not from the garage but from the back yard into the kitchen. 

Daddy said Why did you come from the back yard?

She said come LOOK! Look what I found. We saw Our old green chairs had new cushions and 1 new brown chair.

Are you wondering why there are not 3 chairs and 3 cusions?  She said to daddy, 2 of the chairs were rusty and 1 of the cushions was a ruined mess. 

The good news is, the new old from the curb chair is Perfect for Daddy to sit in with his new knee. You see he went 2 months without being able to sit outside because he could not get up out of the green chairs. 

Isn't this perfect? FREE chair, Free Cushions... don't miss the rest of the story

UPDATE! UPDATE! UPDATE!  This post has been in drafts since the 2nd of Jan. Today, Jan 7th, I was inside, bob said he was going to sit in the sun to see if it would make him feel better. Twenty minutes later he came in with the side of the green chair, the one with Beauss head on it. He said the chair collapsed and through me out on the pool deck, (made of concrete) and I had to get up, I did it.

the chair collapsed and the whole right side came off. He had to crawl to get out of the chair and get up on TWO NEW KNEES by himself. I said why didn't you yell for me. His answer was What could you do?   Ov Vey!   He is not hurt and that is a miracle. no marks, no skins, no blood or broken bones. OV VEY!  I said were you just sitting there and it collapsed?

NO, Beau was chewing the empty Chorine bottle and I told him to bring it to me, I grabbed it, He dug in, causing me to lean to the right side, he tugged like crazy, and the chair broke. And I collapsed down in the mess of the chair.   OV VEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!  both chairs are out at the curb for trash pickup. I would never sit in the other one now.


Olde Dame Holly said...

The minute I saw your chairs, I was going to warn you. One of ours collapsed, too, and I had a huge bruise and a gash where the plastic skewered me like a melon! And watch the brown chair, too, please, as the mesh ripped right from the frame and a certain large area of mine was stuck in the frame! I changed to the fake wicker chairs after those mishaps.

Tigger's Mum said...

Oh dear Beau your humum sounds like mine. There are 5 chairs (and 2 folding deck chairs) on our balcony, all scavenged. There used to be two more on the aft balcony but she gave those to a friend. Even my barstool was scavenged, as was the satellite dish she attached to the top of it. I guess, on the bright side, you will be going on long curb shopping trips again soon? Paw smacks Mr T (PS playing tugowar with your Dad wasn't ideal, why would you want to eat a chlorine bottle anyway, you ha e just showed us all your new toys?)

WFT Nobby said...

Oh dear, what an unfortunate sequence of events. We are only happy that Beau's Daddy emerged relatively unscathed...

crafty cat corner said...

You need to find another couple of chairs on the kerbside now, lol
Good on Bob getting up by himself, I would have still been there, lol

Hootin Anni said...

Oh to think what may have happened. I always say one man's trash is another man's trash.

DawnTreader said...

Glad Bob didn't hurt himself. Hope you'll be able to find a better replacement chair!

Rose said...

Oh, my! What a thing to.happen!

Ann said...

Well I was thinking what lucky finds those were until I read about the one chair collapsing while Bob was in it. I've had chairs do that but they were the plastic kind. Glad he wasn't hurt. At least you still have the pretty cushions.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Beau

I really like the cushions, they are cute with the green chairs. I am so glad Bob as not hurt after he fell from the chair breaking. Beau, you should watch what your chew on, a chlorine bottle is not good. HUGS, have a happy day!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my, that sure explains why they were curbside to begin with!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
First, Beau, I totally understand mum's excitement. I too have street-scavenged items of use like this.
Second, golly, I am glad daddy felt able to manage himself out of his predicament - that says things are progressing well for his knees. Both of them.
Third...(to Mum)... crikey... but yes, those plastic chairs do weaken with sun exposure and I had a similar experience with mine in OZ. Those cushions look great though! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Martha said...

Oy Vey is right! I'm so glad Bob is ok, that could have been quite a disaster. I sure have missed all of you. I'll be back again soon. :)

Mevely317 said...

OMW!!! Bob must have some mighty strong bones. YOU know how my mind works ... in 5 seconds I'd gone from Point A to the ER. There's little I trust in the way of chairs. Back in 2010 Debbie's significant other was seated at our breakfast table when the (wooden) chair collapsed. Then, the Arizona sun baked through our chaise lounges' mesh, sending Tom's sis to the concrete.
What do you have in mind for replacements?

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh no Beau that was read Dad's chair collapsed. YIKES.
Thank goodness he is ok WHEW!!
Hugs Cecilia

My Mind's Eye said...

Yike both of you fell I went back to read again!

My Mind's Eye said...

oooops I misread the last sentence...

Millie and Walter said...

We're glad to hear your daddy is okay after his fall from the chair. That must have been quite a shock to him and you.

lexitheschnauzer said...

First, I want to say what you did, Sandra, is something I would have done, too! But those poor green chairs weren't made to take Beau's strength! We're so very glad that Beau's dad is ok, and proved his knees are healing!

Ginny Hartzler said...

My internet went out last night, but here I am now. Gosh, the chairs look so sturdy, too! Who woud have thought? My question is, did you keep the cushions? They are nice.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, so sorry that happened. I'm so glad that he is okay. Being able to get up is a big deal and he did it!!!

photowannabe said...

Well that's one way to get rid of the old green chairs!! but good grief, poor Bob crawling around on his recovering knees.
Beau..stay away from clorine containers will you?
Now your Mama will have to replace at least one of the green chairs with something else so she can use the new cushions.
The saga never ends!!

Kten said...

Oh no! We had that happen with old chairs of ours. Unfortunately it was a guest sitting on it when it collapsed! It just collapsed. The plastic must have been too old! So glad your dad wasn't hurt. Lee and Phod

Marvelous Marv said...

Goodness gracious! We are glad the Dad (and Beau) was not badly hurt! We have had a few chair accidents with rambunctious dogs and dad's wrestling. Time to get new chairs!

Chatty Crone said...

Now that every one is okay I am rolling on the floor with laughter!!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so sorry about that! I'm glad Bob wasn't seriously hurt.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my gosh I'm glad Bob wasn't hurt! I can just imagine that seen. Riveted from beginning to end mind you :)