Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Muah! My Heart!


Can you guess what I am doing/

Did you guess yet????   The next one will tell you what I am doing.... I am watching Daddy cook. My back end is not happy and I can't sit on the tile floor, my feet slide and I fall down on my tummy. Sitting is hard for me on tile floors now... I can sit fine on carpet or grass. Mama brought my bed in from the living room, and now I have the perfect spot to trip them up watch them cook.

Guess what? this is the bed from the living room that I have always hated and rarely laid on. Now I love it... Mama turned it bottoms up! I don't like lambs wool, I like hard, firm material. Now after they cook it goes back in the living room and I spend my TV time on it.... the good news is, it doesn't slip and slide on the carpet, the lambs wool makes it stay in place. Mama said Live and Learn!

I am on meds   1 Meloxicam every 24 hours and 1 Gabapenton at early am and bedtime. 
We don't know if I will ever be able to chase the ball again.
I am walking on 3 legs and mama has a call into the vet.Again! I was just there 2 weeks ago.

Mama here...Please pray for my sweet Boy, we will be dropping him off at the vet at 9:30, he will be sedated for X-Rays and when they are done and he is awake they will call us to pick him up.
Poor guy can only have water and his pain pill with a small piece of cheese.
His normal breakfast is his dog food at 3:45 and pieces of ours at 6:30. How do we tell him we can eat and he can't... I am not fond of sedating dogs, especially his age of 8.

Not every dog has a kitchen viewing bed


Ginny Hartzler said...

Mama is a genius! I am saying a special prayer for you, Beau.

WFT Nobby said...

Dear Beau, how I wish you could understand that the no breakfast business is only because your mama loves you and wants to do her best for you. I'll be thinking about you both today and hoping the vet can find a way to get you more mobile again.
Love and hugs, Gail.
PS Bertie sends fondest licks too.

easyweimaraner said...

we cross all fingers and we hope you will get no bad news from da vet. that's our wish... our greatest one. don't be scared for the sedating, our vet clinic said it is much better now than a couple of years ago, even older pups show no reactions of bad side effects, specially when it is only for a short sedation... hugs to you, we will have our potp candle for your Beau...

Ann said...

Pretty clever turning that bed over. Hope all goes well at the vet today. I'll be thinking of you.

eileeninmd said...


I am glad you can be comfy on your bed. I hope and pray all is well with you and your leg. Take care, HUGS!!!

Rose said...

Just prayed again for you Beau...and for Mama.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Darling Beau, I am sure mummy has been passing on all the messages of love and POTP that we all have been sending your way... and to mummy and daddy.

I know my heart is a bit achy for you - but also for them. They are such good dog pawrents and have had to do a lot of looking after for their angels and now for you. It is hard for them to see you in pain - but I also know you have been sent to them because they will give you 100% of the attention that they have available to them. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are all sending purrs, prayers and POTP to you dear Beau.

Millie and Walter said...

Your mom is always think about how to make your life better, Beau. We're keeping our paws crossed that all goes well at the vet today and they can figure out what is causing you so much pain.

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau I hope and pray the Vet finds the cause to your limp and you are back home in a nano second
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad he is comfortable and so loved. Will say a prayer. Let us know how he is please.
Hey didn't you mention once something you put on his rectum? We have been putting steriods on Disco's and this heart medication he is on just makes him go so much it is raw.
Prayers for Beau!

Mevely317 said...

I've been watching the clock ever since I woke up, thinking of you, dear Beau. Pretty sure right now you're dreaming happy doggie dreams of snips-and-snails-and-(girlie)dog-tales? I can't wait to hear all about it!

That's a genius idea about flipping your bed!

Sandee said...

I love it that you have a kitchen watching bed. Our Angel Little Bit had a bed in every room. We spoiled her, but you know all about spoiling our babies.

I hated it when we couldn't feel our Little Bit either. They don't understand it one bit. Let us know the results.

Have a fabulous day. Healing scritches to Beau. ♥

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m so sorry about the pain, sweet pup, but I’m glad you have such loving humans. ❤️

photowannabe said...

(((hugs))) Beau.
Really Mama knows best...hope you do well at the Vets and things can be fixed. I do like you "new" bed.

Marvelous Marv said...

We are purraying that the vet gives your Peeps (and You) good news Beau. We think your Mom is pretty smart to turn the bed over! That is a terrific idea. You are in our thoughts.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Praying for Beau. Sending love and prayers your way.
I'm glad he is able to join you in the kitchen.

DeniseinVA said...

Dear, sweet Beau, in my heart and prayers :)