Friday, August 13, 2021

A day of JOY on Nature Friday


This is me after a ball game on Monday , the 9th, which  started out a bad day for the live in Canine.
My people got up at the same time, Butt daddy got no coffee or food.
He said they were taking his blood which was kind of scary.

Daddy did not cook, mama did not cook, at 6 they left and even though I had my food and potty break, I had my dry dog food butt no human food was consumed as per usual.
Home Alone Again!
Wait, they are back, it is 6:55 and only 10 minutes past my walking time.
Mama popped me in my harness and the day was PAWFECT!

We passed John, and he said Good Morning Beau
John 2 who has white hair and beard like Daddy said Good Morning John,
 John 1 said Good morning John
We all giggled.
Suddenly Mama Walked to the right, I went with her.
I saw nothing.  I heard her tell Daddy, there was a bright green striped garden snake 2 feet from my feet and I never saw it. 
She said it lifted its head and stared at us and then ran for its life. Make that slithered for its life. No Worries!
Man with black beard walked past and said Good Morning to Mama then 
MADE MY DAY, he said 
heyyyyyyyyyyy babbbyyyyyyyy to ME.

Then the best thing EVER happened.
We were on OUR side walk, headed home and Mama suddenly moved to the other sidewalk and we watched The Man With 3 dogs on leashes coming our way.
I think that is why she moved over.
She Stopped, the man Stopped and he talked to Mama and said how beautiful I am, and she talked to him and then he said, Beau would you like to meet these dogs?
Mama said I don't know what he will do.
WAIT! there is something else you need to know. 
One was a cattle dog, one was medium brown dog

   and the 
THIRD DOG HAD WHEELS instead of legs on the back.

Like this. Mama borrowed this from the internet because there was too much excitment to get photos.

The dog with wheels was a cocker spaniel or so Mama told Daddy.

All I know is the man walked the 3 dogs over and we nosed and smelled and I sniffed those wheels and that dog and looked really puzzled because I was thinking What the Heck? a Dog with Wheels?
His dogs were good
I was good 
Mama was nervous 
but the man said, I can tell Beau is ok with wheels, just by looking at him.
And I was! The man said he used to have 5 that he walked and Mama said I know I have seen you for years walking every where with those five dogs
The man was sad, he only rescues dogs with health issues and 2 had passed over the bridge
But wait there is more!
When we got home and went in the back yard there was a Big Black Snake
 laying right where I run and play.
I did not bother it and Mama loves the black snakes, so she said Stay and wandered over and he 
CLIMBED up and over and through the fence.
I had a Two Snake Day, 3 Men, 3 dogs to sniff and Met my first Wheels Ever.
Snakes are nautre, right Rosy?

This is the snake that lives in our yard along with his relatives. She took this photo in 2019 and has lots more but this post is way to long. Mama praises me because i don't bother them. My angel brother Jake would grab them and shake them back and forth. I ignore them.
They are better than CATS at keeping rats away.. Palm Tree Rats.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Good GRIEF!!! I see that Mama is definately NOT afraid of snakes. I would run so fast and so far that you would not be able to hear my screams. I would scare you more than the snakes do.

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Beau,
Of course snakes are Nature! What a fine outing you had, beautifully described, and well done for your calm socialising with the three dogs. I've never seen a dog with wheels, but can you believe it, lots of older people look at me, see I am a fox terrier and ask "where are his wheels'. Some sort of a joke about a toy popular in the time of Gail's childhood, I understand.
Toodle pip!

Ann said...

Wow, you sure fit a lot of excitement into one day.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Beau,

What a day! I am glad you got out for a walk, I do not mind snakes. But, the snakes have to keep their distance. It is fun you were able to greet people and their dogs. I have seen dogs on TV that have the back wheels, it gives the dogs more freedom to move around, very clever. HUGS, have a happy day!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Beau, there are many peeps who never have as much excitement as you had in this one day!!! There really can't be much complaint of boredom over your way!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Millie and Walter said...

What a great outing you had with your mom. How fun to meet a dog with wheels, too.

Mevely317 said...

What a neat encounter! That rescue man with his dog-on-wheels is my new Hero! Did you happen to see those rescue dogs' act on AGT the other night? From concrete kennels to Hollywood!

Snakes? Good for you, Beau! Like Ginny, I'd be screaming and running the other way.

My Mind's Eye said...

I watch a lot of vet programs and have seen many fitted with wheelie legs in the back. There was even a program once about a mad who made prosthesis for animals who had just a stump.
Hugs Cecilia

CheerfulMonk said...

I’m glad you had a great day, and I hope things go well for your folks too. ❤️

Brian's Home Blog said...

That really was quite an interesting day you had Beau and I'm glad the vampires let your Daddy go.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What an exciting day you had Beau!! Mama says we have a little garder snake that lives in our backyard...but we rarely notice it.

Rosy and the Gang

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad you had a nice time meeting the dogs. I do not do snakes!!!

Sandee said...

Your morning started out not so good, but when mom and dad got home things were most wonderful. You had a red letter walk.

Have a woof woof day and weekend, Beau. My best to your peeps. ♥

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What an exciting day for you, Beau!! Good boy being nice to your new furiends.

We find snakes in the yard once in a great while. Just harmless ones but Mom makes us go away from them. Our Angel Thunder Dunder used to pick the snakes up and toss them in the air:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Ruby said...

HOLY COW PATTIES!!!! DUDE! What a FABulous day!!!! Wells, except for you Pops gettin' all vampired and everythings (tells him I am thinkin' of him and sendin' good thoughts on his surgicals!)
I can tells you that I would have been all barky and stuffs, butts you were pawsome! Bravo my furiend!!!
I wish we had more rat snakes here...we sure could use them!!! Although, our nextdoor neighbors Husky is a FABulous ratter! BOL!! Yuppers, caught at least a dozen in the last year! Ma says I should hang my head in shame since I am the ratting breed! whatevs.
Anyhu, Stay cool, and sniff on!
Ruby ♥

Marvelous Marv said...

Beau! I have to object! We have LOADS of snakes here and the village Mayor - who lives across the street from us LOVES our rodent hunting prowess...but purrhaps they ARE better with rats///we have muskrats - which are like beavers, but have skinny tails, but no rats, just moles, voles and field mice. When we leave them on the mayor's patio, he gives us treats so we catch more.
We are glad you had a 2 Snake, 3 Men, 3 dogs (1 with wheels) DAY!

Chatty Crone said...

You had a busy day! I agree I don't like snakes. You were a good boy - not surprised at all. There are good people out there for pets.

lexitheschnauzer said...

Me and Lucy, we've had to not eat and get our blood stolen with a needle, too. It's no fun, but when we get home we get to eat. I hope your Dad had a good breakfast before all the adventure began. And when I saw my first giant garter snake a year or more ago I barked like crazy. Mommy knew there was something going on because she had never heard me use that tone of bark before. She made me leave it alone and then chased it back into the woods. XOX Xena

You had a great day, Beau. I would have enjoyed being with you, meeting all the people and dogs. XOX Lucy