Saturday, December 26, 2020

Christmas EVE


you may have to click on my face and bigify this to see that I am quickly destroying the ball within a ball that my Mamas friends gave me for Christmas. 

Mama says I can destroy a tennis ball in under 30 seconds, totally annihilate  it!
I did not get to finish the annihilation of these two balls, the pieces were falling fast and mama did not want to watch my poop for a week.. you KNOW what I mean.
they also brought a blue bone squeaky toy, but she said that is saved.
Maybe on New Years Eve we will have a timed record of
how quickly I can destroy a blue bone.
Destroy another day.. you know, like Diehard-Another day. thinks of me as the Canine version of Bruce Willis..

Next I ate dirt to get the taste of rubber ball out of my mouth.

well, actually there were two tiny blades of grass that are no longer there.

It was an adventure because they were on the way home from her friends stay in hospital, and they drove in the driveway, but they did not come in.
Mama said something about social distancing
Butt I got to walk out in the driveway IN HARNESS to accept my gifts and meet the Dad.
Not my dad, their dad.
They are our friends who had two dogs go over the rainbow bridge, on Thanksgiving Week.
Prior post In Memory of Rascal and Melodee

Mama said to tell you  we don't do gifts for people or dogs but we did do FOOD.
That was fine with me, I don't care for toys except my Chuckit balls.
I have five of those........... to be continued
PS Mama said don't worry about her, the vaccination for shingles is doing its job and she has no pain.


MadSnapper said...

How ho ho

WFT Nobby said...

Bwahaha, the canine version of Bruce Willis!
Toodle pip!
PS Gail and I are pleased to read that your Mama is comfortable.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Beau

You are so funny, a canine version of Bruce Willis. I think food is much better than a dog toy that will be destroyed in minutes. I hope the blue bone last longer. HUGS, have a happy day!

Ann said...

That ball within a ball didn't stand a chance. You could be a professional dog toy tester.

Zoolatry said...

Blue ball blues ... sigh, some things just aren't meant to be.

Martha said...

I'm glad you got to have Christmas Eve adventures Beau, or should I call you Bruce now? The best news is that your mama's vaccine is working, I'm so glad to hear that!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Beau the Brucilator!!! Glad to hear Mum is doing okay... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Brian's Home Blog said...

I'm glad you were having some fun Beau and we're glad your Mom is doing okay!

Millie and Walter said...

You did a good job destroying that ball, Beau. That was so nice of your friends to bring you pressies. It's good to hear your mom isn't feeling too bad.

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau you are handsome and clever and the K9 Bruce Willis...woohoo
Hugs cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Hahahaha on the reference to Bruce Willis! Someday when we get to where we're going, I hope you and Macie Ann can tell us why you, Molly Jane and Macie are so intent on destroying your play things. Yippie kai yay!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

It is fun to destroy toys!

Ojo said...

Hi friend, Ojo here! Hurray for destroying toys! Hurray for eating the last two blades of grass! Hurray for FOOD! And Merry Christmas!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I didn't know he was destroying his balls!!

My Tata's Cottage said...

Oh the toy destroyer! Haha you could be Leo's other brother. He can take down a toy and take it apart quickly and fast as fire. Yet he still gets toys. LIfe is short, have lots of fun! LOVE YA