Friday, September 25, 2020

Big Boy Ride on Sept 23


I am not feeling Good, I am not eating well, I find it hard to breathe and you can see by my face I don't feel good, But even when I can hardly move, I beg for my ride and I GET IT!
Mama left me in the car with daddy Wed morning while she bought more beef liver to feed me.
She bought baby food bananas and I said NO.
But I love the liver and broth and Milk Bones.

We are putting this blog on hold for a few days. 
I am not eating or drinking and today, Thusday I threw up in the car.

She cries  a lot.


easyweimaraner said...

please dear big boy eat something... we hope so moĂșch for good news... and we love ya... to da moon and back. btw: the mama bought us baby food with meat inside, calf or fishy stuff, it was the only thing our husky frosty ate during his hard time... but liver is a super good thing too and we hope it helps you lots...

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Oh, darling Big Boy - you belong to your mummy and your daddy - but now you also belong to us due to mama's generosity in sharing you; and we, your adoring fans, cry with her; I can barely see to type this. Well done for seeking to have your ride and grabbing those extra sniffs and sights. Tell mama she can be 'on hold' as long as she needs to so that she can concentrate on your cares and all Love can be with you. POTP POTP POTP x87 from me... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

I'm crying right along with your mama. I know you don't feel good but please eat something. It's ok if you don't like the baby bananas but do eat the liver.

eileeninmd said...


I am so sorry you are feeling so sick, I know your Mama is worried about you. I am too, I pray you will feel better and be able to eat.
Sending hugs, take care!

Martha said...

Please try to eat Big Boy, we are all so worried about you. I hope you are feeling better today!

Mevely317 said...

I'm crying right now. Big, we all love you so. Praying today's a good day for all 3 of you.

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Sweet BB, Mama and Daddy...
I send you all so many hugs and prayers...I am all too familiar with the journey you are on.

Matilda the Boxer said...

We love you so very much, Big, and we send love and comfort to your pawrents right now.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

He did eat one small jar of baby food ham but that was three days ago. All day yesterday he ain't nothing he drank nothing but broth and only about 4 oz of that he's dehydrated. What he eats one day he won't eat the next he stopped eating the liver yesterday and now won't touch the broth or the liver

Brian's Home Blog said...

Our heart aches with yours Mom Sandra, we all over your Big Boy and it hurts us all to see him so unwell. Hugs and love from all of us.

Millie and Walter said...

We're sad to hear you are feeling so poorly, Big Boy. Tell your mom to concentrate on you and don't worry about the blog. We have our paws crossed for you and your pawrents during this difficult time.

Rose said...

Oh, my Big Beautiful Boy! How I wish I could snap my fingers and you be all better.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This must be the worst year you have ever had, I sure hope for some joy for you. It seems so far away now, but we are praying, and God can do anything.

photowannabe said...

Oh Sandra...hugs and I'm crying too.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Tears here too, sending you lots of love and snuggles BB and big hugs to your Mama and Daddy.

Praying for a miracle...

Chatty Crone said...

I am crying right there with you! I am so hard.

Sandee said...

I'm crying now too. Big healing hugs to you and your mom. I know how hard this is. ♥

lexitheschnauzer said...

Oh dear. I understand the crying...your Mama tries to be strong, but she loves you so much...

catladymac said...

Oh BB - we are sending you more purrayers and Power of the Paw and even Moose Magic, which Elkhound people send each other. And we are sending your Mama and Dad purrayers too. Please try to keep eating.

Ruby said...

Oh BB, I totally understand your Mama's cryin', Ma's eyes are leaking too. I sure hopes you can eats something my furiend. Sendin' tons and tons of POTP and AireZens your way. {{{{hugs}}}}}
Ruby ♥

Hootin Anni said...

My heart breaks!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sending my love. ((Hugs))

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Thinking of you at this difficult time.