Friday, March 15, 2019

#3 Monkey Buzzinesssss

See that little purple thing? 7 days ago, BEFORE I de-gutted Monkey, He had a 5 inch tail. I heard momma scream NO, NO... and I swallowed 4 inches of detatched tail before she could stop me.

for 7 days, 16 poops They Followed Me watching me poop.... Finally on Day 8, # 2 Poop # 17 had a LONG PURPLE thingy inside it.... They were so happy, and I don't know why....

The day I gutted monkey, Momma screamed NO and yanked this tiny purple thing out of my mouth by the string. It seems I was about to swallow yet another purple thingy.....
 Do you swallow odd things? Do I look guilty?  . Rosy, Does THIS POST qualify for NATURE FRIDAY???

Thursday, March 14, 2019

More Monkey Buzzness

Daddy's Hair
Yesterday you might have seen Wordless Wed Post and Mama could not talk. She said to tell you all that she was so happy that I gutted monkey. Now I am a NORMAL dog... Five months of Monkey and I never gutted it...til NOW.
Monkey guts
One minute I was running and chasing my monkey and shaking it and Mommy and Daddy were laughing and clapping. The next thing I knew there were monkey guts all over the floor and my monkey looked kind of LIMP...…  Mommy picked up a piece of the guts and spread it thin and laid it on Daddy's almost bald spot just over his eyes. She said look a monkey gut toupe… Daddy laughed but refused to let her take a photo. The next thing Daddy new, was a big flash and click while he was cooking breakfast, and you all know the rest of this story......
MOMMA HERE:   how many vote for YES this looks just like Daddy's Hair...

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Sad News

I want to go outside with Daddy, but Mommy says he is cutting the grass and it is to dangerous. 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Green Dog Day

March is the month we think GREEN...… Momma played in New PicMonkey using New Content.

Did you know Irish musicians Fiddle Around?

Big goes Irish-Tropical