Friday, March 15, 2019

#3 Monkey Buzzinesssss

See that little purple thing? 7 days ago, BEFORE I de-gutted Monkey, He had a 5 inch tail. I heard momma scream NO, NO... and I swallowed 4 inches of detatched tail before she could stop me.

for 7 days, 16 poops They Followed Me watching me poop.... Finally on Day 8, # 2 Poop # 17 had a LONG PURPLE thingy inside it.... They were so happy, and I don't know why....

The day I gutted monkey, Momma screamed NO and yanked this tiny purple thing out of my mouth by the string. It seems I was about to swallow yet another purple thingy.....
 Do you swallow odd things? Do I look guilty?  . Rosy, Does THIS POST qualify for NATURE FRIDAY???


Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow. We watch all the vet shows on T.V. Animal Planet and Nat. Geo Wild. Things like this will get wrapped around their intestines and shut off the blood supply. It will then meld with the dog's own tissue so it it almost impossible to get out, and they end up having part of their intestine removed. But you already knew this, that is why you watched and fretted. He is really a lucky boy. SCARY story!

Ann said...

Gibbs is bad about chewing odd things. I have to keep a close eye on him.
Love your picture today.

Molly the Airedale said...

We are happy that you are purple tail free, Big Boy. I love to eat grass but that's not so odd, right.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Crikey Big... I'm with your pawrents on the concerned side; you really don't want to be bunging up your works with anything purple, or snow or any other kinda foreign!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

eileeninmd said...


I am glad the purple thingy made it's way out. Hugs, have a happy day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad he passed it!

My Mind's Eye said...

LOL LOL LOL this post screams Nature BB.
Oh my I've heard of dogs having to have surgery to remove things that block their intestines. I don't blame Mom and Dad for following you around the yard
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Oh, BB … the look on your face is priceless!
When Macie Ann was just a few months ago she swallowed the tip off the door stopper … not an inexpensive vet bill, but certainly less than what surgery might have cost. One of my big fears is them swallowing a line of floss like what happened to a co-worker's dog.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We think you have a how-could-they-do-that-to-me look! Glad everything came out in the end.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

BOL!! This is totally nature BB, of course it qualifies! lLus I, Rosy, have been known to swallow bits of paper, ribbon, and other things I'm not suppose to swallow...

Ruby said...

Luckily, I don't tend to swallow things, butts Ma's Angel Maggie swallowed peach pits (two of them!) once, and the dogtors couldn't gets them out, so she had to have the surgicals. Not funs she said. Anyhu, I am so glads you passed the monkey tail without incident, cause surgicals are no funs at all! I do likes trading things I find for treats ~ I find something bring it to Ma, and she says 'drop', I do, and I gets a tasty treatie! maybe you should do that instead BB! tastier too ☺
Ruby ♥

KB said...

I'm so glad that it came out the other end, BB. I'd scream no too! You don't look guilty at all. In fact, that is a wonderful photo of you looking contemplative. Happy Saturday!

lexitheschnauzer said...

You sure do poop a lot, BB.Mom's been following me around for 3 days, up and down the road and around the front yard, waiting for me to poop even once. Today she finally let me out back in the dog lot and I did my busyness. I mean, if someone locked her out of her bathroom, how would she poop, too! Lucy