Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pic It UP!

I almost titled today's post Big in Blue! I wanted a photo of him walking in his new Neon Aqua Harness.... the majority of the photos were cell phone blurred... Aqua Is His Color. Do you agree?

I called the post Pic It Up because when we get to the four way stop, his favorite Mail Box, better known as the Local Stop Sign that every dog leaves mail on, is on the other corner.  The 4 way stop is a busy intersection. He patiently STAYS until I say OK, and them I say pic it up and he runs to the other sign dragging us old folks behind him.... We have done this so many times, when I say OK he goes into Pic Me Up with out me saying it.

As we walk to the next mail pickup area, which is the light pole above, I can say Pic It Up anywhere at all and he starts to trot.  We need to hire somebody that can run with him.


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Oh my that's a pretty colour - but I think you could wear ANY colour, BB, and always look gawjuss!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

That's a great color on him.
Too funny about the pick up.

eileeninmd said...


I love the color, very pretty! I am sure BB could run pretty fast if he wanted to. He is well trained to walk nicely on the lead. Enjoy your day!

My Mind's Eye said...

BB you are beautiful in all your blue. Aqua is YOUR COLOR!!
BOL BOL BOL I thought 'pic it up' was gonna be all about someone not
picking up their pup's poop. Color me surprised. You are such a smart boy
and I'm so very proud of how well you walk on a leash
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Hahaha -- Reading the title, I thought Big was going to do a Public Service Announcement about responsible pet owners' poopy bags. :)
Love the aqua lead … Great-granddog, Molly Jane, has one the same color!

Ella said...

Very pretty color … makes a nice contrast with the fur of them!
I'm actually a cat-women ... but your dog is too beauty not to write a comment!
Have a nice weekend!

Chatty Crone said...

Aqua is for sure his color - he looks beautiful with the black fur and it is my favorite color! lol

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes the color looks great on him. He's so smart!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The aqua is so pretty on him, it shows up well on his black fur. I forget how old he is, but he is really helping you both step on it!

lexitheschnauzer said...

We agree, the aqua really shows off your black furs, BB. XOX Lucy and Xena