Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Canine Narcolepsy

If Big had a Native American Name, it would be Sleep Walker. These four photos were a set of 10 that I took while he was walking around the pool deck. 4 of the 10 his eyes closed while he was walking and then he laid down and was asleep.

He falls asleep sitting, laying, upside down, walking. When we take him out after we eat dinner, if we take to long to let him in the door, he just lays down and goes to sleep. by to long I mean 2 or 3 minutes. After research, I do believe he has Canine Narocolepsy. I found it is quite common and the treatment is  not done unless it interferes with normal daily life. We Sleep On...


Ginny Hartzler said...

WOWZERS!!!! So there really is such a thing in dogs! Unbelievable. But I think you are right. This could be what makes him so calm all the time. I was going to ask you to take him to the vet, but you are your own vet with this! I had a friend who really had narcolepsy. She would fall asleep while driving, and fall asleep and fall down. Had to take medicine all the time. My head is still reeling with this, wait till I tell Phil.

Mevely317 said...

After what sounds like a tumultuous 'childhood', it's wonderful that Big's finally at peace! He makes my heart go pitty-pat!

Duke said...

You are content and that is a very good thing! Love the last photo! It's my favorite position to be in too, Big Boy!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Is it Narocolepsy or is it just that sun!

Ann said...

He's a sleepy boy. Did it say what causes it?

eileeninmd said...


I was I could fall asleep so easily. As long as it is not dangerous for him, let him sleep. Cute photos. Have a happy day!

Inger said...

I never heard of this. In a way it makes him ideal for older folks. Says I, who have my two dogs always up to something, always want me to play with them, walk them, feed them. They make me feel so guilty when I'm half asleep and tell them to go play with each other.

Inger said...

I'm just so happy that he is so relaxed now. There's something about this dog that just touches my heart.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's different. I'm glad it's not affecting his life.

Rose said...

I guess it is best to leave well enough alone. And he is happy....