Saturday, April 27, 2019

Big and the Cardinal Baby's part 2

I thought baby birds would be delish...ack!

KIDDING! no birds were harmed by me or anyone.
Each time I did this...
I was laying 4 feet from the baby birds... and sleeping, causing no harm.

Silly Papa Bird Did this.... Mama sat on the nest and made noise like chhht chhhtt chitttt
and Papa would sit right in plain sight.

He tried to be a DECOY... like LOOK AT ME, See I am pretty and RED and come get ME, don't you touch those babies.... When I went in the house, he sat in the tree like below. Mama took 87 photos of him. a few times when I was without camera, he sat on a limb 6 inches off the ground, 5 feet from Big and stared at Big.... it was amazing.
Mama said over and over what a good boy I am... I would walk to the bush, stare up at the nest, and when Mama said No, I would lay down and go to sleep. TO see more of the story go to Mama's Madsnapper blog HERE.... more pics and more story.


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow! That Daddy cardinal sure is brave!!!
Jakey, Arty & Rosy

eileeninmd said...


BB, I am glad you are a good boy and ignore those birds. The Daddy Cardinal is very protective of his female and babies. Have a happy day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Such a good boy!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This whole story is just amazing! And that the dad would sit so close to B.B., but he listened to you. B.B. needs an immediate name change to P.A.B. Perfect Angel Boy.

My Mind's Eye said...

AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BB your beautiful shiny coat the the papa cardinals red fevvers at very nice. Wise decision...fevvers are not very tasty no matter the color.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

Big, you are truly amazing! Is there something you're not telling your momma? Like, in another life you were really a service animal?

Chatty Crone said...

The male cardinal was beautiful, but not as beautiful as you!

lexitheschnauzer said...

That Daddy cardinal is a brave and handsome boy, and you, BB are a handsome and very, very good boy!

Rose said...

What a great pic of the Cardinal!