Saturday, April 6, 2019

Alert Post!

Mom through my Duck about 10 times and I chased it and brought it back and shook it to death. We were having fun. I laid down to rest with my duck and she got on the laptop, sitting beside me watching me and My Duck.

As she was typing she saw white stuff. Oh Big, she says, I was hoping you would not destuff your Ducky. That's Ok, that is what All dogs Do. She got up and aimed the camera at me
I looked up and while she was taking 87 photos of The Destuffing, Suddenly She Screamed NO! put that down.
She grabbed Duck and all the STUFF and started to mutter some about Walmart Selling Chinese C--- and taking more photos...more words about, good thing I was watching you and  the next thing I know Duck disappears.I am broken hearted. I keep looking for him and staring at the closet he lived in...

MOM here!!! after all the stuffing came out, I saw Big start to pull on a 4 inch plastic BAG, see above, and then the honker and as I snatched it up, he pulled out a 2 x 2 fabric net. The plastic could have gone down his throat and he would be dead, so could the net. What is that doing inside a duck. the Honker I expected. NEVER BUY DOG TOYS from Walmart. They are All made in China and very cheap. I will never buy another dog toy from them. Also now we are watching the poop because he swallowed a duck foot.
THIS MEANS Big is done with stuffed toys, he will get only heavy duty, large dog chews and balls, nothing with anything inside.  Duck has gone over the rainbow bridge. Via The Garbage Can.
DOING RESEARCH I found several articles about Dog Toys from China being Toxic. Read you labels. One Article Here  
Another one HERE.   I also found that dog toys have no watch dogs, no mater where they are made, we have to be careful what we buy...


KB said...

I'm glad that you saved Big. I'm also glad that he loves toys so much!!!! Hachi is the master at eviscerating toys so we are limiting our stuffed ones too. And, I will watch out for where toys are made. I never knew that stuff before - thanks!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
My word, Big, thank Dog mum was watching you so closely indeed! That is horrific content for a'toy'. It begs the question about the childrens toys too... really frightening. So we can all take back our suggestion that mum stock up on fluffy ducks! YAM xx

Dandy Duke said...

Bummer about your beloved duck, Big Boy, but thank doG your mom was right there watching the whole time!

Ann said...

Aw, too bad about the duck. Gibbs has a couple toys that he has yanked the stuffig out of. I threw the stuffing away but he still plays with the untuffed toy.

eileeninmd said...


wow, that is weird stuff to have inside a dog toy. Our dogs tore up the toys the same day we bought them. We stuck to tennis balls after that. I hope all comes out well. Enjoy your day!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are careful where we get our stuffed toys from as someone dogs love a good dealing. We need to keep soft toys around as Phod can't chew hard ones due to teeth issues.

Mevely317 said...

This is a horror story, for sure! I'm sharing this with every dog lover I know!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Wow! I'm glad you were there watching him.

Ginny Hartzler said...

POOR Big!!! And this is so scary. I can think of a million ways that these things could have killed him. We watch vet shows from dawn till dusk. SO good that you were right there by his side when this happened!! Funny about duck going over Rainbow Bridge. Keep me updated on how badly he misses it, and poop results.

Inger said...

This is so important. I knew about the toys with those squeeky things in them and stopped buying them. I had no idea they were selling toys with all the rest you documented. Faith gets her Nyla bones and tennis balls. She will eat parts of them too, before I discover they have been chewed on for too long. So, I'm forever patrolling her balls and bones which are the only toys she gets. Thanks for this, a really important post.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We tend to get stuffies from Charity shops...

My Mind's Eye said...

My word I'm shocked...I had no idea what might be in a dog toy. Yikes
I have noticed in the past at the pet stores they have 'stuffless' toys much like BB's beloved duck...I hope you/he will find something to replace it.
Hugs Cecilia

Just Mags said...

It is a good thing your mom was there to keep you from possibly swallowing those pieces that would have been very dangerous for you to swallow. Hugs and nose kisses

Rose said...

That is terrible...Sarah got this hard plastic ball and you can stuff food in was a life saver for otto when he was younger...heche to work to get the food and it was indestructible. .I want to say they called it a long, but dont know if that was it's real name or just what she called it