Monday, February 25, 2019

Shade Seeker

We are having record breaking heat for the month of Febuary. This day it was 86 in the shade and who knows what in the sun. After a short lay in the sun, Big laid under the Powerpuff bush

from shade to partial shade and right out in that blazing sun. The sun is very close to the earth here at noon in February.
Please open the door Mommy, to hot out here.... 


eileeninmd said...


Cute photos of BB! I hope you all stay cool and in the shade.
Have a happy day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The Powderpuff, now he will have blush makeup. WAY too hot! Black dogs get much hotter than others, just like cars with black paint get their paint rusty sooner than other colors. Goodness, and in February. It is freezing here.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

BOL! Everything is relative. We've just been getting temps in the high 80s and low 90s....and we're outside as much as possible because it is cool! But, we know about closed doors...we want to come in when WE decide.

KB said...

I cannot imagine it being that hot NOW!!! My goodness. It's time to open swim season :)

Just Mags said...

I love the photos of you in the shade. Wow, it is hot there so you needed some shade. Hugs and nose kisses from Chancy and me.