Friday, December 21, 2018


It rained for 3 days, all day every day. Each day ,Ithe rain slowed to a drizzle and we walked.

 I don't like water. I don't like thunder. I don't like wet decks or wet grass.

On the 3rd day, it poured, it boomed, it never let up, no walking in that downpour. Just before lunch, Mama said to daddy. we have to do something, he has not peed for 14 hours, he did poop at 4 am. this is what they did..

they both stood out in the rain and mama tricked me by holding a cracker just out of reach, I tried and tried to stretch my neck, but she kept backing up, I put both feet in the water on the deck and Daddy slammed the door shut. There they were, marching round and round the deck in the rain, looking quite silly. I stood in the rain and said What are you doing. Daddy kept saying hurry up.

I waited until they were soaked and finally went under the dripping bush and peed a gallon, I know how much because I heard Mama say He peed a gallon! PLUS after I got them all wet, I don’t see why we could not have walked our mile. Do YOU?


Ginny Hartzler said...

Good grief! But your plan worked! I did not even think this is B.B., because Bob is not dressed the way he always does!! I thought it was some other lookalike dog with his master. Rain here for two days and now floods. But I think you are worse there.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
OMD... Big Boy, it's a wonder you didn't have a flood INSIDE the house... I think learning to walk no matter the weather is probably a good idea. hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

KB said...

I'm so glad that you finally peed! You could've exploded. Be careful, BB ;)

Enjoy the sunshine now!

eileeninmd said...


LOL, I am not a fan of walking in the rain.. Love the first shadow shot.
Enjoy the sunshine, it is raining here today.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh BB I kinda thought you were in CHARGE of the house now it is confirmed.
You have wonderful pawents to stand in the rain with you..
Hugs Cecilia
PS I like your green harness

Matilda the Boxer said...

WHY are humans so focused on us peeing in the rain when there's a perfectly dry house we could use instead?!

Mevely317 said...

What a bladder … GOOD boy, BB! Macie and Gracie have finally figured out we're not taking them back to Phoenix and have succumbed piddling outside. Still, it's hysterical to see them trying to be one with the brick siding -- afforded them maybe 10" of cover from the edge of the roof. It's turned raw-cold and windy today, so every time they go out I start warming their towels in the clothes dryer.

DeniseinVA said...

Your kidneys must have thanked you, and I bet your mama and daddy were happy too, good boy!

Chatty Crone said...

Disco hates rain - he won't go out without an umbrella - we have a big one from Wal Mart. I got that muscle cream too. And I ordered a neck pillow.

Ruby said...

BOL!!! OMD, BB I admire your determination!!! I, too, hates the wet furs and wet feets!!!! I most certainly don't walk in puddles!!! YUCK! luckily, we have like a zillion canopies and covers to keeps the rain mostly off my furs, butts my feets still gets wet, sigh. I thinks your peeps should have held an umbrella over you! (that;s what Ma used to do for her OES, that HATED the rain on her super thick furs...btw, Ma would be soaked! hehehee)
Ruby ♥

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is really cute and I'm glad he finally peed.

lexitheschnauzer said...

You're sorta like Riley, BB. He would hold it so long that he would go pee for almost a full minute. Do you have dainty paws, too, that you dont want to get wet? Watch the peeps dont try to put boots on you.xoxox Lucy