Monday, November 5, 2018

Mutt Show?

BBBB stands for Big Beautiful Black Boy, Mommy might ad a 5th B for Bad Bread eating Boy
PS it seems THEY may never forget the Bread Episode
My sister angel Baby ate Mommy's drivers license and also a 125.00 check. She also chewed her bed into a zillion pieces at the kennel.
Angel Max ate a $20.00 bill and his human brothers Sandwich, right out of his hand.
Do you have any chew stories to share?

Daddy was practicing and thinking of  showing me at the Mutt Show, but then I ate the half loaf of frozen bread and he changed his mind....


Ginny Hartzler said...

Can't help but laugh!!!! Yes, I DO have a chewing story. My dog as a teenager took a Paul McCartney doll under the dining room table and ate his head off. She also took a package of Midol and a double edged razor blade under the same table. She chewed the razor blade to pieces, and did not get ONE cut on her mouth! I actually have a picture of the dog, so you have now given me a new blog post subject!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
BB - what you need to be chewing is Mr Gmail Signup - and spam him out!!! Get mummy Sandra to help you with that. Then you get brownie points and pawhaps Daddy Bob will reconsider the show!!!
My angel Jade loved a good chew-down - and her cat-bro Jasper got her into all sorts of trouble once by flicking the barbecued chook I had brought in for a pawty onto the kitchen floor and between them all that was left was the wishbone and a wing. Should just have stuck to my vegetarian principles!!! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

Oh I think daddy should still show you in the mutt show.
Long time ago when I was growing up I had a cocker spaniel/poodle mix. She wasn't allowed in any carpeted part of the house which limited her to the kitchen and dining room. My mother had made a cake and left it sitting in the middle of the dining room table while everyone was watching tv in the living room. Imagine our surprise when we found the dog standing in the middle of the table eating the cake.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, BB eating bread, that is not too costly. I had a yellow labrador that chewed on my hubby's hearing aid that was sitting on the nightstand. She also ate part of the kitchen drywall and a few other things. We still loved her!

My Mind's Eye said...

BB you are so handsome and funny
Hugs Cecilia

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes, our wonderful Westie Maggie who was perfect in every way, always a good girl decided to eat my brother in laws glasses. Never ever did anything like that before or after.

Matilda the Boxer said...

What's wrong with eating bread? It's healthy, right? Don't be afraid of carbs! That's what I told Momma when she got mad at me for chewing the side of the stairs...

Mevely317 said...

Too funny, BBBB! Unlike your angel siblings, at least you chose something nutritious. :)
It's a wonder our girls ever saw their first birthday. I'd never before owned a dog that chewed, and these two were like termites. Despite our buying them every sort of chew toy PetSmart sold, they preferred hard wood surfaces like my mother's hope chest, the kitchen cabinet, etc.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Had a scottie a few years ago. She got into the hatch part of the car and helped herself to the baguettes.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Our Jakey loves to chew things ito little pieces which his brother and sister will pick up and work!

Ruby's Rescued Life said...

LOL! When we first adopted our dog Pip, he chewed up my glasses!

Just Mags said...

Not too sure the bread is the best thing for you to be chewing on sweet BB but I understand...I love bread and it does taste good, huh? The only thing Chancy chews is acorns but I can tell you that I have to be sure and keep my cups of coffee out of reach or he will drink it all and I know that is not good for him. He will also eat any ice cream he can get to. Hugs and nose kisses